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Forums Forums Astrology Taurus Moon folk! There’s a huge misconception surrounding this placement and food!!! Can you name a few?

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    I absolutely love food, but the idea of becoming this wilder-beast over it, as most astrologers claim we tend to become… I honestly don’t get it, nor have I experienced this. I love to enjoy my food, I’ll say that. Like, GOOD quality food is amazing, but will I fight someone over it? No.. Do I obsess over food? Also, no!
    Another random thought… am I the only Taurus moon who loves to cook alone, I love my space. I want to turn on good music, and completely zen out, I’ll call you when the food is done!

  • Taurus Moon folk! There’s a huge misconception surrounding this placement and food!!! Can you name a few?

    thedevillovers updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 22 Replies
  • trstmfckr

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    I mention a lot that I love taurus moons, and like 1/5 of my favorite people in my life (of like 50 or 70 I’ve looked up) have this placement

    of those, NONE are overweight or have big issues with eating. (In fact, several are *quite* thin / almost the opposite – ex: two 150 lb 6′ dudes who “forget to eat.”) One is a bit curvier, but I’ve hung out with her for days on end and she has pretty normal eating habits / relationship with food.

    now… taurus *sun* on the other hand… lol, that’s a different story

  • SomeArcher77

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    I forget to eat more often than not, to be honest

  • laurapalmer3

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Taurus moon here, I agree I’m more concerned with quality over quantity. I do love cooking (I’ve been told I’m good at it) and trying different foods but I rarely ever over indulge.

  • lavvennder

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    i’m a taurus moon and i’ve struggled w just about every kind of eating disorder. definitely have an obsessive/complicated relationship with good. but ive actually been thinking abt this a lot lately and i think it all boils down to a need for comfort… like taurus placements crave that comfort and stability, and food is a reliable source. BUT so are luxury items/cozy clothing/wtv else ppl tend to associate with taurus.

  • kittyxandra

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Yeah food isn’t a huge issue for me tbh. I find cooking and eating to be a chore a lot of the time. I hate cooking and I’m not good at it. I do love to bake though. When I do eat, I like eating sweet stuff. I’m very small so I don’t need to eat a lot of food. When I do cook, I don’t really mind if I’m alone or not. I get nervous that my food won’t come out good though. Idk, maybe food is a bigger deal for people with other Taurus placements. But as a Taurus moon, it’s not a big part of my life.

  • [deleted]

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm


  • isigmon18

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    My old friend has Taurus moon and I think food always comforted her in a way. She always loved experiencing new food/restaurants and had a love for more ethnic or foreign foods. She started to learn how to cook and I think she fell in love with it, i think she especially loves cooking for other people & groups of people (aquarius/libra placements maybe?).

    I just feel like people with taurus placements experience food in a way most of us dont LOL. I think it can be kind of like a security thing too. But I think a big misconception and stereotype around all of it is that food is just your whole life and get super possessive and aggressive over it.

  • Mystique111Divine

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Taurus sun & Taurus moon here…while good quality food will put me in a better mood, I won’t fight to the death over it lol. I do have a tendency to become fixated on a favorite snack for a few weeks or months at a time to where all I want is just that or have it after every meal ????

  • Codiilovee

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Taurus moon here- I do have sort of a disordered relationship with food, kind of always have. I’m trying to get on track to a healthier relationship with food though.

  • plumtastic

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    The moon is exhalted in Taurus, we shouldn’t see many negative manifestations with this placement alone. Difficult aspects might change that however.

  • MiraculousCactus

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Can’t help you here, unfortunately. I’ve dealt with weight/body issues my entire life. I used unhealthy food to cope with my emotional issues, and it was a bit like an obsession for a while there. Finally getting my life on track though.

    But I will say that my moon has some heavy (no pun intended) aspects to it, and I have Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 1st, so that probably contributes more than a Taurus moon placement alone.

  • wildborbsunlimited

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    Taurus Moon here, if I like what I’m eating and somebody notices, I will share it and probably a large portion of it. If not I may buy you some. There is no fighting over food except when stolen from me and that is about money, not food.

    And I only obsess over food when I’m actually preparing to cook and the cooking itself. And yup, if I’m cooking, do not come into the kitchen until I say so!

    I have my things I love to eat but I won’t die or go crazy if I do not have them. It is just pleasurable when I do find and eat them, that’s all.

  • listenhere88

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    I’m a Libra sun and Taurus moon. I was a fat kid lol. I love food especially sweets but I can go HOURS without eating. When I eat, I EAT. When I don’t, I DONT. Hope that makes sense. Sleep, however, is a different story. I am a different human if I don’t get enough sleep.

  • Blossomie

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    What house is it in?

    Mine’s in the 12th, and I often get so caught up in headspace I’ll forget to eat, or often be unable to eat. I’m fairly underweight, despite loving food I just can’t get enough of it in me. Ahh, 12th house restriction.

  • tacobellquesaritos

    February 24, 2021 at 2:05 pm

    i’m big into comfort foods and definitely having intense cravings but i don’t overeat usually and am not a food snob! i think food for me can just be used as a nice treat to enhance the day. triple taurus for my big three by the way

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