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Forums Forums Psychic The response I get when I tell people I’m a Psychic Medium is “OMG THATS SO COOL! ???? READ ME! ????” Then they proceed to throw their palm at me with complete excitement. (Continued below)

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    While I am incredibly grateful to have this gift, I don’t make it public knowledge, mainly because I get this reaction, but also because I am learning to set boundaries for when I do readings.

    My typical response is “I would love to do a reading for you, let’s set up a time this week that works for both of us.” This way I am setting boundaries and not doing a reading on the spot.

    I CAN do readings on the spot, but don’t because I need to meditate first. Doing readings in public is very difficult for me to do because of all the energy around me.

    I feel there is a general misconception in mainstream society regarding mediumship. A lot of people think Psychic Mediums can—-and will—-do readings for free.

    I get visits from my ancestors in dreams and meditations. Occasionally my spirit guide visit me. I’m a 31 year old woman, and have had this gift all my life. It first started when I was 11.

  • The response I get when I tell people I’m a Psychic Medium is “OMG THATS SO COOL! ???? READ ME! ????” Then they proceed to throw their palm at me with complete excitement. (Continued below)

    Consistent_Insect515 updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Consistent_Insect515

    January 29, 2021 at 11:10 am

    Doctors get this too, “oh you’re a doctor? I’ve had blah blah blah symptoms, can you tell me what that is?”

    Artists too, “oh you paint? Can you draw me a picture of so and so?”

    Most people are self centric enough not to realize this is selfish and are making a sad attempt at showing support or interest. The rest like free stuff and don’t respect the craft enough to invest in it or the person.

    They think, why pay a professional when I can get it from my “friend” for free? Well hello! Your friend is a professional…

    Your tact is perfect. Mention your pricing scale or say the ways in which you accept payment. “Next Tuesday would work for me, I accept PayPal and cash.” If they are offended, remind them you have the right to be offended first. Politely of course.

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