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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing The system is broken and it’s time to be heard

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    The system is broken and it’s time to be heard

  • The system is broken and it’s time to be heard

  • CatzMeow27

    July 15, 2021 at 1:19 am

    Ironically, this is part of why I’m proud to work where I do. I’m in the finance industry (specifically in the retirement industry), and I’ve heard countless examples of this kind of behavior in other companies. I’ve even experienced it firsthand at earlier points in my career.

    However, I’m proud to work somewhere that doesn’t give room for this kind of mentality. I’ve had male colleagues specifically go out of their way to ensure I get credit for my ideas. I report to a badass woman who is deeply respected by her peers. A vast number of my peers are POC, members of the LGBTQ+ community, or members of a different minority group. We hold ourselves accountable for making our workplace the kind of environment that welcomes everyone. It’s not perfect, but we’re committed to the effort.

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