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Forums Forums Tarot Time scale for 6 of pentacles reversed?

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    I asked the tarot how long it would take for my mom to find a new job and drew 6 of pentacles reversed. Typically, I interpret pentacles as years, or winter. I am also doubtful it will take an entire 6 years to find a new job, unless she decides to go back to school, but even then, she would find a job while going to school. So I think that perhaps this is saying she will find a job in the winter, perhaps 6 months from now, although I usually interpret cups as months. I am also unsure about the reversed position when it comes to time scaling. Perhaps it's indicating that she needs to deal with something internally related to 6 of pentacles before she can find a job. Does anyone else have an interpretation of this?

Reply to: LumenSerpensX
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