When young we used to battle it out on the basket-ball court, being kids vs adults…the “taller team” always had an advantage. To make the game fun…stakes were always high: Free baby-sitting, washing all the adults cars, or taking all us kids out for Pizza. To level the odd’s the kids got a handy-cap – meaning the adults would start with a H, O, R, in the game of HORSE. Tools of Prediction are handy-caps to help you achieve a psychic state of mind. I could not see visions, so I used tarot to “see” what I could not.
Tarot Cards – Tarot cards teach you to be psychic, they increase clear-seeing, clear-hearing and teach you HOW to read for a person. Tarot also is the spiritual journey to connect with the collective, but this is much much later after mastering them.
Pendulum – Pendulums are magical, they need to be activated. Pendulums are used for healing, scaring maps, connecting with spirits and evoking. When I use a pendulum I activate with a spirit to spell out words. I learned to use the pendulum to hear-clearly, once the entity is in the crystal or stone, they speak and spell, eventually you just put the pendulum down and they speak fluently through you.
Crystal-Balls and Black-Mirrors – These tools are used to contact demons… not really! But to used one properly, you will need to learn to say no to negative entities. Scaring is opening a portal and after 21 years in this game, mirrors and crystals still freak me out. The only time I have been physical transported to the other-side is with a crystal-ball. It is insane, and not for the rooky.(Maybe I need to do a live demonstration with one.)
Tools of prediction promote psychic ability by practicing and playing in the spirit world until you are fully capable of achieve results without assistance.
If you have any other tool let me know and I will tell you the use.