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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Totally Venting- Weakened Spell

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    I'd probably consider myself a baby witch, but growing up I realized a lot of the women in my family "practice" without practicing- if you catch my drift. I feel like I should mention this because of the overall connection and flow of energy.

    I made a love spell for prosperity.

    Supplies included:

    3 large white candles (purity)

    3 tall red candles (heightened power + attraction)

    Rose petals (inviting warm energy, love, and attraction)

    Salt (to protect the energy flowing within)

    Cherries (a sweet offering for sweet love)

    Water (purity)

    Gold (a symbolic tie of what I desire)

    $10 bill (my sacrifice)

    So I set up the spell, lit the candles– the whole nine yards. Even accounted for the cardinal direction of energy transference. Everything went well, the flames of the candle indicated that there was energy flowing in the way I expected it to. After the ritual was completed, I baked the spell. Firstly, to dry it and perserve it. Secondly, to add and maintain the energy already within it.

    Here's where I fucked up.

    I made that spell in the presence of a lover. I'm sure his negative energy affected my spell- it's possible he believed the spell was for him. Well, we broke up and I threw away the reminants of my work.

    The spell did attract what I expected it to. I gained a new lover shortly after and was blessed financially and was even offered career help/ advancement. The only issue is that some of the opportunities that have come to me, I neglected to see as opportunities until it was too late. I can feel that my connection to the spell is wearing off. Of course this is a user error, but the connection was what allowed me better discernement when receiving.

    I regret throwing it away as I put so much time and energy into it. Although it worked great, I know that spell was powerful enough to work for longer.

    Just wanted to rant about my experience of not properly disposing of my spell. In reality, I regret disposing of it. So be careful or you'll end up disappointed like me… or worse!

    BTW: For anyone who wants to copy my spell, I also channel Asmodeus. Not really for any reason pertaining to my spell, but because I connected with him. If you want more details about how I did it exactly I can spend some time typing up instructions. I did not get this spell from any book or online.

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