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    unbiased outside interpretation ???? (description in comments) ☀️

  • unbiased outside interpretation ???? (description in comments) ☀️

    [deleted] updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • threelittlebirds111

    January 29, 2021 at 6:41 am


    (to skip the context, scroll to see my interpretation) ♥️

    for about a few months I’ve had a person of interest and in the early stages I had tarot and oracle cards confirm that this person is my twin flame (this readings include ones I did myself and ones I watched online which are scarily accurate and describe the person in much detail every time) ????????

    i also have seen soooo many synchronicities and signs, some very very clear that this is the right person. This potential relationship also started my whole journey into spirituality and shadow work and I’ve never been more authentic in my life, so that’s really special too. ????♥️

    However, I am kinda scared that this person still isn’t the one and I may be caught up in a fantasy or I am making myself believe they are the one, although my intuitive side says I’m not and there has been too many signs for me to just throw away this potential. I am not in physical union with this person.

    Today I asked for the cards to reflect the energy of the connection and I got these. (I must admit, every time I do a reading on this potential relationship, i always get a little nervous the cards will say this relationship is wrong for me) however, I didn’t get a bad feeling when I looked at the cards that came up, more of a positive feeling of relief. ????

    My interpretation of these cards is as follows: (ethereal visions by Matt Hughes) ☀️

    Strength reversed: I know it doesn’t mean I am not strong, because I have never had feelings of not being strong, so instead I took it as this relationship requires inner strength from me, because it’s not physically manifested yet and I should keep faith. I am showing inner strength, to keep faith basically.

    Ten of Wands Reversed: I’m not sure but it may be that my doubts and worries and even me thinking about the outcome of this connection is just me carrying unnecessary burden. I don’t need to be carrying all the weight which is why it is reversed, so that it falls out.

    Seven of Swords Reversed (bottom of deck): it may mean I shouldn’t keep all my problems to myself and I should ask for help, which maybe is what I’m doing now (: I’ve never asked for an outsider to interpret this situation before (: and maybe it can mean I don’t have to feel guilty for feeling a connection to this person because I am not taking anything away from them. (sometimes I would feel bad for being interested and wanting a connection with this person which is why I keep on asking for signs so I know I am doing the right thing)

    Please be honest in your interpretation if you feel called to help, I would really really appreciate it ♥️ thank you (:


    January 29, 2021 at 6:41 am

    I think the seven of swords card reflects your insecurities about the relationship. I take the reversed card to mean feeling like an imposter. You said you’ve been doubting whether this is right. I think the strength card is letting you know that only you and the individual and spirit know if this is a twin flame connection. No tarot reading can confirm or deny your souls truth, this card is asking you to look inwardly for the strength to believe in your souls intuition. I agree with your interpretation of the ten of wands.

    One thing I wanted add about the Twin Flame journey is that just because someone is your twin flame, does not mean they are “the one”. A lot of people do not marry their twin flame. The sooner you can detach from the idea of union, the less anxiety you will experience. That doesn’t mean you guys won’t be together or that all TFs are doomed to stay in separation. It just means that at some point, all individuals on the journey come to realize the experience isn’t about union, it’s about you, individually and your souls purpose.

  • [deleted]

    January 29, 2021 at 6:41 am


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