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    Please use this thread to request a reading, to request help with interpretation, or to offer free readings. This thread is refreshed every Sunday.

    If you are requesting help with interpretation, please comment using the following format:

    * The question(s) you’re asking, with any context you would like to share.

    * An explanation of the spread you’re using. Diagrams or links are welcome.

    * A photo or description of the cards you dealt. You can upload photos via imgur, or another hosting service.

    * Your interpretation.

    If someone helps you, consider giving them some feedback or thanking them for their work!

  • “Weekly Reading and Interpretation Help Thread – January 18, 2021”

    CottonCandyGoblin updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 48 Replies
  • zeropointchoirgirl

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    I can do some readings!

  • IAmMissingNow

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hi! I made a post with a picture and format of the spread I’m talking about. It’s called year at a glance.

    So I did a year at a glance reading with my Celtic tarot cards by Courtney Davis. I also did one with my oracle cards (Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards by Tori Hartman) that I’ll include in this reading. I would love your interpretation even if it’s just based on the Celtic part because I have no idea how to take this.

    The top row is me, the card under it is Love bottom row is money. Each row is based on the month.

    January: You: -The Tower/Renewal-Disaster has happened, it is a time of chaos and loss of control. However this is also a time for renewal. What appears to be the end is actually a new opportunity to grow. Have faith.
    Love:-2 of cups reversed/guilt-Intense relationship turned toxic, time wasted.(major call out) Do not do for others what they need to do for themselves. Any guilt is fear of being disliked. Honesty is freedom.
    Money:-Six of swords/mysticism-Let things be for now. There may be obligations but you are financially fine right now and it’s not the time to be worrying about it.

    February: You: -Queen of wands/instinct-Kind and caring. Proud yet will fight savagely if needed. Holds grudges. Don’t look back, keep moving forward. Let go of the past, move on and trust your inner guide on this solitary journey.
    Love:-Three of swords reversed/impasse-Strife and discord. Painful experiences and thoughts blot out happier times. I need to accept the situation or do something about it. Things are changing but not ending; the goal is still there. Don’t wait, stay focus and find another path. Adapt, protect from harm.
    Money:-seven of cups/completion-Not a good time to make important decisions, there will be resolution outside of your comfort zone.

    March: you: -ten of wands/prayer-growth is well earned but lacks the feeling of achievement. I have grown but still feel stuck. I need to face the truth and surrender and let go of control while also being willing to let others change my mind.
    Love: -judgement/creation-Time of personal choice. A final decision a final decision must be made but it will be in my favor and settled the way I want it to be. Letting go of old ideas allowing new growth. “Let go, you no longer need to be the warrior.”
    Money:-six of cups reversed/balance-self-indulgence, and living like I have in the past, draining resources I don’t have. Proceed slowly, don’t rush and make sure this is right for you.

    April: you: -six of coins/rejection- I’ll be in a position of power that will be draining but exciting. It’ll be worthwhile though. You no longer need to prove yourself. You understand who you are and who you created. Choose wisely who you allow into your life.
    Love: -ace of swords/service-New starts are possible, the mind is free of negative thoughts. Justice triumphs. Stay the course emotionally while creating something sustainable and lasting.
    Money:-knight of coins/gossip-Someone will be helping me a lot here. Ability to follow your heart and do what you want even if it seems careless.

    May: you: -king of coins/wisdom-Again in a position of power and engrossed in details rather than seeing the big picture. (Seems like the exact opposite of who I am) Prove nothing when just choosing to be wise. Full of serenity which is needed.
    Love: -ten of coins/impartiality-positivity of power and position. Be unbiased and allow others to come to you. Become a neutral party for them to go to.
    Money:-four of coins/discovery-financial gain and security. Get ready to carry a commitment all the way through.

    June: you: -knight of cups/miracle-I’m going to be holding things back while watching things happen. Ignoring the truth while hoping for the best. I need to be honest and forthright no matter what. I instinctively know what’s true and need to trust it is.
    Love:-knight of swords/insecurity-Loyal, intense but acts in poor ways that doesn’t benefit anyone. I need to not hold things in and have the courage to move forward.
    Money:-the world reversed/victim-Feeling hesitant to actually make a choice. I need to act or I will lose the chance and regret it. I need a solid plan to get what I truly desire. Don’t create until I’m ready.

    July: you: -five of coins/abundance-I will be questioning what is truly important. Positive choice will mean making a sacrifice, once I do obstacles will be removed. I will have two choices: a wise one and a foolish one. The wise one will involve a sacrifice. (Lots of sacrifices going on here????)
    Love: -ace of cups/destiny-great joy and contentment. New understanding reached, powerful insight, truths revealed. Your angels will guide you to what is best for you and all concerned. (F’ing ominous.)
    Money: -knight of wands reversed/vanity-I’ll make rash actions and boast about it then regret it. I’ll be awakened to a new start but have to be aware of distractions that may pull me away from the truth.

    August: you: -queen of cups reversed/facade-detaching myself from emotions and instead living in daydreams. Can’t be relied on. Need to rediscover myself, recover who I am and rethink my path.
    Love: -three of wands/self worth-moving forward with personal achievement with help from others. Self-love, love of life and no longer trying to prove my value to others. Rely on inner knowledge.
    Money:-page of coins reversed/faith-wasteful use of opportunity. Forge ahead and don’t let pain hold you back. You help others, that’s your gift.

    September: you: -8 of wands/passion-I will settle a situation quickly but in a way that will surprise me and allow me a sense of freedom. I will have the ability to ignite the passion necessary to create what I want.
    Love: -3 of cups/dissipating-A happy conclusion to a situation and a time of healing. Recognizing what is a daydream and a well thought out plan is key here.
    Money: -the moon/acceptance-danger, deception, be intuitive. Not able to see my gifts. In need of protection from my angels, self esteem and confidence.

    October: you: -the sun reversed/recovery-I will feel happy and successful but will need to be careful with showing it or taking it for granted. I still need to be careful and aware. Detachment from emotion to see the big picture. Growing into a partnership with spirit and allowing my angels to heal me.
    Love: -the magician reversed/despondence-Self deception and illusion. Delaying seeing the truth again about who he really is. Not truly letting go. I know what I need to do and need to sever ties that no longer serve me. How I relate to the issue is the issue. Obstacles will be removed when I change the relationship to them.
    Money:-5 of wands reversed/expansion-Dispute is escalated and full blown negativity. Life is changing as you move away from the old. Seek out others with the same energy as you.

    November: you: -4 of wands/complacency-Celebration in family. Job well done. A quiet period is needed to heal. Are you being true to yourself or living for someone else? Inability to disassociate from a lost dream. It’s time to walk away from anything that does not deeply resonate with you.
    Love:-2 of swords/workaholic-Things are finally settled and no one truly lost. I finally see what everyone was trying to show me. Powerful manifestation. If something stalls allow it to recharge but know your limits.
    Money: -3 of coins/trickery-my skills are finally applied and I achieve rewards though not necessarily money. Manipulation and fear of rejection. Practice asking what you truly want.

    December: you: -four of cups reversed/release-No progress on healing. I am still stuck and can’t move forward even when I thought I could. I need to see all that I am because I possess a power I don’t understand. Freedom awaits when I do. Stand steady, I am more than I know.
    Love: -ace of wand reversed/enlightenment-Blind optimism while creating plans that won’t actually happen. Exhausting myself needlessly on false hopes. Journey of my true destiny.
    Money:-page of swords reversed/soulmate-underhanded, angry silence and bad news. Old communication changes opening new ways. Freedom lies ahead.

  • oconic302

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Did a reading on a former love interest. Have been in a period of separation for a couple months. Asked about the current energies and this is what I got. Wondering what folks are thinking this might mean:

    Past: ace of pent
    Present: Judgement
    Future: lovers

    Lot of instability and lack of communication early on, wondering y ace of pent would come up. Was also surprised by lovers, not really sure if reconciliation will happen – though I’ve always had an intuitive sense that this person was important to my life journey long-term.

  • valejenni

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    I have been learning so I just was hoping for some guidance 🙂
    My deck is Tarot del Toro illustrated by Tomas Hijo
    While shuffling The fool came out followed by the magician inverted and the empress inverted I assume this to mean im on a journey of deceit from some form of tyrant. I’m just reading the guide book i have tho and was wondering if anyone thinks they could mean more.

  • rex-nemi

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hello! Though I’m proficient in the RWS system, I’m getting my toes wet in the Tarot de Marseille. That said, I am looking to get some practice and would be happy to do brief written readings for a 2 people. If you are interested, please reply and PM me your question.

  • thedevilsreversed

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    hey hit me up if you’re down to exchange! 🙂

  • Christine3887

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am


    Hoping to get some views on this one because it’s got me a little bit stumped. I asked if I should bring up Valentine’s Day – I’d need to pre-plan because we’ll be apart and ask for the address to send a card. I’m nervous he will feel blindsided if I bring it up out of the blue (my issue, I know I’m not very brave) We’ve been dating whenever we can over the last months & talk in some capacity but because of Covid we’re in a bit of limbo until we can spend some more proper time together.

    I pulled ace of swords > Queen of pentacles > King of pentacles > lovers > the fool

    I saw the sword as I should communicate, I saw the Queen & king as positive (but not as positive as cups might be). I guess lovers is there because it’s about a relationship situation but not sure if it’s actually about a choice? The fool I’m confused about. I usually see that as a new beginning so is lovers about making a choice rather than what I’ve said above? Like we’ll make a choice to go on separately?

    Any ideas would be really appreciated

  • witchises

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hi, new account here since I’ve been lurking as a guest, decided to join the community today.

    I did my reading for one of my friends who’s currently in a complicated situation; someone that she’s talking to has some contact with their ex and she wants to know why, especially since they both seemed very done with one another and apathetic. I dealt the 10 of Pentacles and the 8 of Swords. I also read on what the outcome between her and her person will be, I got the Ace of Cups and the Magician. I am not confused about that part, though– I’m confused about the former.

    The way I see it, is that something is keeping them trapped, even though there was an ending of the relationship and ending of feelings. I’m getting the vibe that it has to do with family. Between her and him, there will be a new beginning, but currently, he feels trapped with his ex. Am I missing anything?

  • inspectasm00th

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    hi hi!! i’ve been doing tarot for not too long (a couple of months), and i’m usually pretty good at reading them and connecting cards to my life. however, i’ve been trying to use tarot to sort of like feel out a romantic endeavor i want to have with someone i’ve known and liked for a whiiiiiiile. every time i’ve done a reading w this intention, it always is filled w cards about new beginnings, forgiveness, leaving things behind, etc. can this mean that we’ll be moving from just friends to a romantic relationship??? any interpretation is appreciated!!

  • [deleted]

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am


  • zzcool

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    so this shook me, originally i had someone on twitter do a read for me and shes experienced in it and it was really positive just that i would get a lot of small victories nothing big nothing bad, then i tried with an app for this day, and got the tower upright with magician upright and hermit, i then tried other apps and got mostly good cards some cards i have gotten through various money love reads etc through various apps


    heorophant however thats spelled



    the star

    the love

    the moon

    king in pentagram

    i also got a hanging man by his leg from a tree

    wheel of fortune


    first ladder


    hermit keeps repeating on me a lot

    only time tower repeats on me was through love

    high priestess


    hermit again


  • afraidy4569

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Could anyone please help me?
    I have a man in my life, have been together for a few years. Now it seems we might be done. I really want to know how will this relationship go. Will we break up? If so, will we have a role in each others lives in the future? Or is it for the best if we leave and never look back? How does he feel about me?

    Im sorry if the questions are too much or badly formulated, ive never done this before, but i just really need help right now.

  • karamelspice

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    hey! would anyone be able to do a reading for me? recently i’ve been feeling extremely low and “not myself” and i’m in need of some guidance to heal myself and just try and get back to my usual self. i could use some advice/guidance whatever works! thank you so much in advance 🙂

  • hoesh

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hello, is there anyone whose kind enough to do a reading for me? A general one.

  • NarisaChan

    February 5, 2021 at 5:56 am

    Hello everyone!! Would anyone be able to do a reading for me? About love or partnership.

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