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Forums Forums Astrology What do decans actually signify/indicate?

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    What do decans actually signify/indicate?

  • What do decans actually signify/indicate?

    FocusPositive4894 updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • SunInSatabisha

    February 9, 2021 at 10:26 pm

    They show alternative dignity, like how dignified a planet in that sign can be by dividing it into various degree points. Decans are equivalent to the D-3 chart in Vedic astrology & in Vedic astrology, all the divisions show how a planet manifests its dignity in various parts of ones life.

    Say you’ve Mars in Scorpio. Mars should be great in its own sign of Scorpio but if it’s in the Cancer decan, it has a lot of setbacks & can essentially show friction or a clash in showing Mars qualities even though they are there as it’s debilitated in cancer. Decans comes to 3rd house functions (as the Decans are divisions of the sign into 3 & the chart that results with it is relevant to the 3rd house) & one’s courage (strength to fight).

    You can get a little boost of dignity too. Say you’ve Mars in Taurus, it’s in its detriment so you might have struggles with Mars qualities but say it’s in the Capricorn Decan, it’s exalted & very strong in related to the 3rd divisional meaning & it has a “hidden” boost to dignity meaning you won’t entirely have a bad experience of Mars in Taurus.

  • FocusPositive4894

    February 9, 2021 at 10:26 pm

    Each sign is divided into 3 decans, each decan is 10 degrees. There is a correspondence between the decans in a sign, and the other signs of the same element. So, in aries, the 1st decan (degrees 1-10), corresponds with aries and mars rulership is especially strong. The 2nd decan ( degrees 11-20)corresponds with leo and the sun. The 3rd decan (degrees 21-30) corresponds with sag and Jupiter’s influence. For the sign of Leo, the decans are Leo, sag, and aries, in that order, and so forth. The same holds true for the other signs and their corresponding element. Taurus = taurus, virgo, cap. Correspondences are used in many ways by astrologers. The decans colors how one might interpret the strength of an aspect or planet in a chart. Sometimes forecasts are broken down by decan to provide greater accuracy too. Hope this helps. -Gaborieaux

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