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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What is ‘witchcraft’ to you?

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    Open question for everyone. For me, as an anthropologist, it’s difficult to precisely define ‘witchcraft’. So I’d like y’all’s thoughts! What makes something ‘witchcraft’? Do you see it as necessarily distinct from other types of magic? How and why is it different from other types of magic?

  • What is ‘witchcraft’ to you?

  • pacis_animus

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    The craft for me is a mix of spicy psychology and nature based action.
    I searched and studied for decades for a religion that I could honestly say I believed in but I always ended up hitting a wall when I fundamentally or logically just reached a point where I said “No, I don’t believe that” . I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. There are people who are ready to die for their faith and beliefs in their God/faith and will fight you about it. I’m over here wondering how they can be so sure.
    My view of an all powerful entity is that yeah, it could be – but I don’t know what it is.
    So my faith gravitates to what I can see. I can always count on the moon being where it is supposed to be, fire is always hot, chamomile tea always relaxes me etc.These are things I can actually see and feel so my energy gravitates towards a more nature based spiritual experience. I don’t work with deities or gods either. Just the unknown forces of the universe.
    So I guess witchcraft for me is freedom. Freedom to believe what I feel in MY heart even though it may not align with a single other human.

  • forest_fae98

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    To me, witchcraft is combining energy and intent with physical objects to produce a desired result.

    From complicated rituals to the way you make your tea, witchcraft can be whatever it needs to be for you.

  • eeriechangeling

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    Witchcraft is a practice that involves magic, but it isn’t just about magic. All witches are magicians, but not all magicians are witches. I’d say the main difference between a magician and a witch is that magicians that aren’t witches will view magic as an ability, as something to be developed and acquired through practice, understanding of symbols and spells, while witches will view magic as something intrinsic to their own existence, as well as to the existence of everything else in the universe.
    Communing with nature spirits or the spirits from other realms, learning how to communicate with them in an intuitive way, with no use of language or any rational, explainable part of your mind, with no symbols and no instruments – That’s witchcraft. Or better, that’s what witches are able to do. Because witches are naturally mediums, or as I like to call it: otherworldly diplomats. We talk to spirits/otherworldly entities and we act as a bridge between them and other humans.
    There are some beliefs I also think are intrinsic to witchcraft such as that chaos is as necessary as order, and the same dynamic goes for light and dark, death and life, destruction and creation, etc. Witchcraft is very keen on philosophies that aim at cosmical balance in general; most witches worship a god and a goddess because of that, or at least believe in the concept of divine feminine and divine masculine, and they will see themselves as protectors of the harmony between opposite/complementary sides. Witches will also oftentimes hold the belief that the universe works in a cyclical nature, because of that, most witches will believe in reincarnation (or that death is never really the end, just another word for change) or will hold the perception that time isn’t linear. Witches will view themselves as divine and believe the practice of magic approaches them to their own divine nature.
    Witchcraft is all about holding ambitious attempts at understanding the whole truth about how the universe works, and then using magic to make sure it continues to work properly.

  • educatedwitch_zoe

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    Using your will to effect change.

    Wishing on birthday candles counts. Even prayer counts, arguably. My friend calls witchcraft “prayer with props”.

  • LongTailor1509

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    I think it can be talked about as a grab bag of useful techniques from various “fields” like yoga with prana, faith with miracle-mindedness, shamanism with visionary practices, meditative with the jhanas/knowledges/gnosis-es, but what I think makes witchcraft or sorcery unique is the willingness to go on a limb and commune with, and get assistance from external spirits by inviting them into your Temple. I have doubt that any of these prior techniques would be possible without this willingness of the outer world to assist us at a hidden level. It’s fascinating and beautiful to me because it has a place in being hidden and not exploited like we exploit the natural world with industry and capitalism. It is the dead, adept (learn-ed) that exists latent in our psyche 🤔. Communing with our family in the world of the dead.

  • oNattyICEo

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    For me it’s the manipulation of energy though my will and intent. It’s a representation of my goal/desire set in motion within the universe to be called forward by my actions.

  • frostythesnowman01

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    to me, it is the use of harnessing energy and magic towards a specific purpose. whether that be healing, banishing, protection depends on the situation.

  • elliottristis

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    Witchcraft to me is an art like any other art it’s a bringing symbolism into the world it’s bringing symbolism and working with what’s in the world and what my souls align with as a tool to bring fulfilment to my soul ego and my personal journey and path, for me it’s an art that i had to reawaken after centuries of being hidden in my family to help myself and people i feel the need to help as well, it’s a non physical and a physical art that i combine with any other physical art to bring what I desire to this world, for me it’s also an infinite knowledge that is different from a person to another and unlimited informations to seek to acknowledge.

  • Henarth

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    It’s a method of practicing magical craft of any kind. It can be incorporated into anything it’s kinda like sprinkles on ice cream, you are still a pagan if you don’t practice witchcraft, but you can always add the sprinkles. I’m not Wiccan and I incorporate aspects into my practice as a solitary shamanistic Celtic Druid.

  • eckokittenbliss

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    My definition

    the definition of a witch – A person, who practices magick.

    A witch is a person who manifests, creates, directs, or inspires a change; be it physical, mental, emotional, or worldly using intent and one or more sources: energy, ritual, tools, spirits, ancestors, Earth, the universe/stars/zodiac, or deity.

    Witchcraft would be the craft/practice of doing so.

  • Throwaway7387272

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    Something that is used to change the way the energy surrounds you or another!

  • Beautiful-Service763

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    I think what defines actual witchcraft is the practice of harnessing the energies of the universe and using them to achieve a desired outcome, weather that be spellwork, divination, simply charging something with an intention, drinking specific teas for specific things, meditating. Any enlightened person can be one with the universe, but a witch is a person who works with the universe (perhaps also with gods/deities/spirits)

  • Mindah9408

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    I’ve always thought of witchcraft in its most simple form: self care.

  • Admirable_Ad376

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm


  • ACanadianGuy1967

    October 4, 2022 at 10:45 pm

    Here’s my working definition of witchcraft:

    It’s the use of magick (whether folk magick or ceremonial magick) for practical goals like healing, luck, wealth, etc. usually outside of the authority of established mainstream religion.

    When the same magickal goals are worked for by authorized members of mainstream religions (such a priests in churches) it isn’t usually considered to be witchcraft. But if an average person were to do magick for the same goals it’s usually considered to be witchcraft because it’s unauthorized.

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