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    I saw a psychologist talking on a podcast that psychopaths are born this way, but why? I know bad people are going to suffer afterlife, but they didn’t choose to born this way. Are they bad because of past life karma?


    UPDATE: sorry for saying evil, English isn’t my first language so I thought it was a synonym but stronger for bad

  • Why do evil people exist??????

     brmittenvegan updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • recursiverealityYT

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    My personal view is there is no good or evil just truth and ignorance. Sounds naive but you can see generally as people grow older and wiser they become less ‘evil’. For the outliers that don’t grow in that way I’ve noticed they always have really negative world views which is ignorance IMO.

  • corvuscorvi

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    Okay. The thing is, people aren’t inherently good. I wouldn’t go so far as to say our natural tendency is evil (although some cultures believe this), but it’s definitely not hard for us to be bad people.

    When it comes to reincarnation in a Buddhist lens, it’s usually an involuntary process. We get shifted through a transitional state and embodied into a new life. Unless we have the sort of mental clarity to control this process, it will be largely up to our current state of being to determine where we go. Maybe that’s another human, but maybe it’s a hungry ghost on a hell realm, or an animal, or maybe even on one of the heavenly planes. It’s all to do with your current state. Karma effects that state of being, as karma is the accumulation of causes and effects. So your karma is quite literally the chain of events that causes you to be as you are now.

    I think it’s important to realize where concepts like reincarnation and karma came from, as opposed to the sort of New-Agey interpret it as you wish sort of thing that happens a lot. I’m definitely not doing this subject justice, but I’m trying to condense it down to be receptive to a western lens.

  • Isildur000

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    Free will is a package deal, if you have the freedom of choice in your actions expect some people to use it in a way that you can call evil.

  • AbyssDomme

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    In my experience incarnating is not just about humans learning to grow. Spirits incarnate for all different kinds of reasons. Sometimes growth, sometimes to see themselves in a different way. Sometimes it’s to further manipulate and abuse others. If spirits are psychopathic, why wouldn’t they want to incarnate to torture the incarnates of their victims? Or furthermore to drastically alter the events on earth to suit their needs?

    Psychopaths are said to be born and sociopaths are made (created by traumatic/abuse events usually). Psychopathic people generally have psychopathic spirits. Sociopathic people may or may not have psychopathic or sociopathic spirits. Their “evil acts” may be more a result of trauma, abuse and the continuation of dysfunctional patterns.

    “Good and Evil” are described differently by religion versus through the lens of Psychology. I think it’s important to make the distinction because they are not exactly interchangeable terms. Winners determine the victors in history. Evil can be used to justify the mistreatment of others. This is true with people and spirits. Various pantheons will describe another class of spirits as “evil”, where upon reflection and looking at various points of view, you may see them more as “the underdog”. In this sense evil is directly connected to bias and point of view.

    Psychology is more concerned with identifying behaviors and analyzing them. It’s less about judging others or condemning them. However, I think for me psychology is more informative as a tool of observing spirits, because it cuts through a lot of the deceptive imagery, traditionally used to signal “good or evil spirits. Such as evil spirits were generally thought to be “dark/black” or “horned” in most monotheistic traditions. Psychology is a more effective way to assess a spirits intent by observing their behavior, rather than relying on their looks or image.

    Personally, I have found psychopathic spirits to be a part of the spirit level. At all levels of the spirits from entities, deities, gods, and monsters. Why do they exist is more like why would you assume only good spirits exist? Good for whom? Is the spirit world only about people, or is it about these other spirits having their own goals?

    Good and bad are extremely subjective.. and if you are to ask yourself these questions I think it’s important to look at your own point of view, assumptions and possible bias. As we all have have a bias, including me. No body is really “neutral” regarding point of view. If a spirit is calling another spirit “evil” (for me) my first thought is what do they get out of me thinking that? What is their point of view? Is evil in this sense descriptive in the other spirits actions, or is it used as a way to manipulate me into seeing things from their point of view?

  • MjMaggie

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    We all come to earth for a human experience and to express our soul from all different perspectives. This means in one lifetime you may be the victim of harm and in another you may be the perpetrator. This allows our soul to learn lessons, grow and evolve. Without experience of all polarities, we wouldn’t get a full expression and would become stagnant in evolution.

  • mana-mostest

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    I’m someone who believes in reincarnation I also believe regardless how old a spirit is or how enlightened you are you are going to go through iteration of lives to learn something new and the struggle is real. Buddha and Jesus could have been reborn in a different scenario or completely polar opposite lives. Without struggle you will never learn. These types of people are pivotal in individual lives as well as others. They may have volunteered in the afterlife to help someone learn a valuable lesson. Well that’s my belief anyways

  • PlaygDoktor

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    I had a medium friend of mine tell me that when I was dealing with bad people say, “Evil walks this Earth as naturally as man, being human or not.”

    That terrified me because mediums see things that are indescribably terrifying.

  • SinVerguenza04

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    In my opinion, sociopaths are “demons” in the flesh. It’s just what they are and what they will always be, no matter which or what lifetime they are in.

  • Affectionate-Elk-786

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    I think bad people are somewhat needed – almost to show and teach us lessons and to overcome and progress as we are here to grow and evolve and somewhat go though garbage for our souls evolution. From what many I’ve spoken to say life isn’t a walk in the park or we wouldn’t be here – we are here to learn and grow

  • electacrandall

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    So the thing about psychopathy is that it’s not actually a clinical diagnosis – And it’s incorrect to say that they are born that way in regards to a psychopath is A label to someone who displays antisocial personality issues, and then proceeds to do horrific things. But antisocial personality disorder is difficulty, or in capability, of, experiencing certain emotions. Including things like shame. What makes someone manifest in to say a mass murderer is also partially environmental. The antisocial genetic aspects of it increases likelihood, but it doesn’t make a psychopath in itself. There are very normal people, who live normal lives, who are actually antisocial. We just don’t notice because they’re not causing problems. This is true in general, a lot of mental health diagnoses are based around the problems because for society, not what it feels like. This is one of the reasons it’s more difficult for women with ADHD to get diagnosed – they are more likely to become perfectionist and people pleasers, and thus while still struggling, they’re not causing as many problems as, save little boys, in which many times are not getting help, because boys will be boys. but then they become extremely chaotic in class, and that’s when people are likely to reach out for help. (Plus other things.)

    It’s also important to note that there’s very few people who are objectively bad people, and good people. And the reason why this is important is in part because a lot of people who suffered from abuse can engage in black-and-white thinking, and the tendency to view people it’s all good or all bad. This means that they can struggle with accepting their own mistakes, and are actually more likely to stay with people who are abusive, in part because healthy people aren’t hiding their natural human flaws and compulsions.

    I’m not a medium, but I will say that some people do believe that in reincarnation you’re trying to learn a certain lesson, and you will choose a life that helps you learn that lesson.

    The truth is is that emotions affect us strongly. What some people call empathy, is actually enmeshment. There are times where somebody isn’t empathizing with another person, they are feeling their own emotions about the situation, and the other person’s feelings, and they’re reacting to their own emotions. So for example your partner is crying because they’re super upset, and you feel upset because you’re stuck in a room with somebody who feels upset, that’s not empathy.

    I had a boyfriend who cheated on me, and in the beginning of me finding out he was expressing a lot of interest in other women. I’m naturally a very monogamous person, more so than most people that I’ve even met, and it’s hard for me to determine what’s a normal amount of attraction for people outside of your relationships. And we had a conversation in which the question lead me to wonder, “ is it better to be loyal because you don’t have any temptation? Or if you have lots of temptation that you were controlling out of love for the other person?”

    So I would say that there might be an element of that. I don’t fully believe that we choose our own lives, but I do think there’s a lot to learn about emotions if you experience not having them.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    [The Problem of Evil]( is an old philosophical question. And like all philosophical questions there are no right or wrong answers. The one you arrive on will depend on things like your definition of “evil”, your belief in a god or gods, and even your suspicions on the ultimate meaning of life.

    Personally, I consider the value in a philosophical question to be in the challenge that it poses. It’s the journey, not the destination, that’s worth having.

  • Over-Pilot-9762

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    Both destructive and creative forces are required. Good and evil are subjective, and Good can be evil and evil can also be good. The aftermath of human freewill echo for millennia and it’s not evident what impact these decisions have sometimes as they are beyond our current understandings

  • Galxykitty

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    They are here to learn lessons too. Earth = Learn

    Without bad we wouldn’t have good

  • TariZephyr

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    Not all psychopaths are bad people, it’s a mental disorder just like autism or adhd or dyslexia

  • Fluffy-Name-2467

    November 24, 2022 at 6:20 am

    No one is born evil.

    Evil is moulded.

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