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Forums Forums Mediums why do i feel so lonely, i feel as i am trying to put all my effort into someone who has drained me, i feel as i am not happy or myself anymore, my parents want the old me back, can anyone pick up anything , thankyou. happy to donate

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    why do i feel so lonely, i feel as i am trying to put all my effort into someone who has drained me, i feel as i am not happy or myself anymore, my parents want the old me back, can anyone pick up anything , thankyou. happy to donate

  • why do i feel so lonely, i feel as i am trying to put all my effort into someone who has drained me, i feel as i am not happy or myself anymore, my parents want the old me back, can anyone pick up anything , thankyou. happy to donate

    Long-Release2472 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • WomanOfTechnicolor

    February 13, 2021 at 1:10 am

    I’m tapping into your vibration now. You’ve trained yourself in a thought that says “I will be loved only if I do things for you.” The truth is that love is free-flowing and natural. You don’t need to do ANYTHING for someone to love you. How else can you explain husbands that spend thousands of dollars on their wives and treat her like a queen and she still goes off and finds lovers? And then you have people that do nothing and are loved unconditionally. To be loved all you have to do is be YOU and focus on your career goals. That will make you more attractive to this person. Good luck. Blessings ❤️

  • ismyname2long4you

    February 13, 2021 at 1:10 am

    Hi there! In a similar situation myself. Sounds like you know the answer and it’s okay to focus on being selfish.

  • ShaktiSolace

    February 13, 2021 at 1:10 am

    I’m sorry. When I look at your picture I see someone that is like an empathic vacuum, sucking in everyone else’s pain, depression, and anxiety. I feel like the might be a lot of screen time in your life and too little fresh air. There is a need for you to return back to a more grounded state. I can see you standing on a hiking trail or the top of a mountain smiling, like this is something that will help with releasing this heaviness. This might be metaphorical but if you can get to a hiking or walking trail I believe it will be beneficial.
    In the meantime please try and do some gentle and simple meditations, returning to some deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed. It is also very important for you to focus on simple little gratitudes, starting your day with 3 very small things you are grateful for. I see an older male and and an older female with you and they are supporting you, but you must ask for their help and for them to help shield you from other energies. When you feel that heaviness when you feel like you are stuck, take a deep breath. Ask to release any negative energies or emotions that don’t belong to you. Take another deep breath and imagine all that hurts releasing in that exhale. Look into energy shielding.
    I’m sorry my descriptions of the couple are vague, I typically meditate before connecting with spirit and hadn’t before hopping on Reddit.
    I wish you all the best, I promise you will get through this but you must embrace the idea that you are wide open and a HSP. ????????????

  • Long-Release2472

    February 13, 2021 at 1:10 am

    Not a medoum, but here to say its the pandemic affecting your mental health.

Reply to: Arianna
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