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Forums Forums Tarot Will he be reaching out to me – love reading help

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    Hi! I asked the tarot if my SP that I am currently in no contact with will be reaching out to me this week.

    I got the knight of swords, the hermit, and the nine of pentacles. The world was on the bottom of the deck.

    I’m intuitively interpreting it as this but I’m curious for a second opinion – as I’m not so familiar with 9 of pentacles –

    The knight of swords indicates that he will be sending me a short text or an IG message to speak.

    The hermit represents that we both spent some time alone to process our emotions and major life events that we both went through (which is why we went no contact and stopped dating) and that now we’re ready to start fresh.

    The nine of pentacles represents that it will be a grounded and successful relationship.

    With the world card on the bottom of the deck – I am seeing it as that both of us are currently traveling abroad until August – and that we will come together when we both return.

    Curious if someone has a different take on this?

    Thanks in advance!

Reply to: Powerful_Pomelo_6378
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