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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Witchy Careers?

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  • #566093 Reply


    Hi everyone, I'm approaching my mid-40s and feeling very discouraged about my career. Midlife crisis jokes are welcome and probably right!

    I've worked in the nonprofit world and the private sector. I've ended up in marketing working for organizations that don't share my values or worldview and I know I need to make a change.

    I think I'm just looking for inspiration. Have any of you found your work tribe where your noncomfority is appreciated? Are there any jobs out there for queer childfree witches who want to help make the world better not worse, AND pay the bills? Where patriarchal office practices are finally history and white dudes aren't the only ones who get treated like their time is valuable? If so tell me all about it!

Reply to: katharsister
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