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Forums Forums Astrology Wrong rising sign ):

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    I always thought I was a Pisces with a double Sagittarius as my big 3. Well it turns out I’m wrong. I found my birth certificate and I was born an hour later. I’m a Pisces Sun with a Sagittarius Moon and a Capricorn Rising. I’m really upset and basically having an existential crisis. No hate to Capricorns but I had a really bad experience with one in the past so that is the main reason. My whole life was a lie.

  • Wrong rising sign ):

    themooniscool updated 4 years ago 1 Member · 8 Replies
  • kara_anna

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    >No hate to Capricorns but I had a really bad experience with one in the past so that is the main reason.

    Oh, come on now. You know it doesn’t make sense to do that. ;)~ People aren’t signs, they’re themselves expressing those signs (and the rest of their chart). Some people do a real crap job of being a person. Back in the 1930s and 40s, millions of people had a tragic experience thanks in part to a certain Taurus Sun. We’re not going to think of that person as being a Taurus prototype, are we? Be the Capricorn you want to see in the world. 😉 Cap can express in some really beautiful ways. My beloved Paul Newman was a Cap Rising.

    ETA: My sympathies though for the existential crisis, lol. Really, I know it must be strange to have to revise how you’ve seen your chart. But it’s better to be shaken up by what’s true than comfortable in a lie. Your Saggy Moon probably relates to that sentiment, partly spoken from my Sag Sun. 😉

  • VineStellar

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    You probaly had a bad experience because Capricorn placements tend to clash with one another. Speaking as a Capricorn sun.

    That being said, I’d personally prefer Cap over Sag as my ascendant but that’s just me!

  • etLux11

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    Birth certificates are not always right either. The most reliable method is (if you can narrow down the birth intervall to 1-2 hours) going to a experienced astrologer and they can calulate/narrow down the birth date to exact minutes by using your appearence, personality and major life events (deaths, births, marriage, traumas, birth of your children if you have etc.). Or you can do it yourself if you have learned this method

  • Partha4us

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    Not to confuse you further, but birth certificates aren’t 100% accurate. I had the same experience and it turned out that someone made a mistake registering the time. I rectified my chart, using degree symbols to calculate the aspects to my ascendant. By the way: Libra here with Cap asc. (instead of pisces)… people are fallible, but the soul chooses wisely the moment to descend.

  • AcrylicTooth

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    I’m also a Pisces sun, Sag moon, and Cap rising! Someone else commented about being one over in r/astrologymemes a few days ago too; I’m feeling strong birth chart kinship lately!

    For me, finding out about the Cap helped explain that 5% of my personality that bucked the Pis/Sag combo. I used to think it was because I was raised by a textbook Taurus mom, before I read my full chart. I think it’s a blessing, tbh; it brings balance to the chaos. That touch of Cap keeps me grounded and helps me learn from my mistakes. It allows me to look at issues objectively, even when my Piscean heart is bleeding all over the floor. It filters my more hare-brained Sag impulses so only the best ideas get greenlit.

    I hope you find a way to interpret your new chart in a positive light! Past negative experiences with Capricorns aside, I think it’s a neat combo.

  • Super-Courage-1693

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    it happens !

    Before I got grasp of basic astrology stuff I used to think I am gemini and every one in my family was scorpio

    I read / watched lots of videos where they talked scorpio – gemini’s are terrible with each other and other bs stuff lol and i started hating scorpio sign people in my head

    Later I came to know I am FUCKING SCORPIO ASCENDANT myself with gemini sun and told my mom

    MY mom SCREAMED ” welcome to the club u stingy bitch ” !!!

    I HAD EXESTENTIAL CRISIS , later came to terms with that lol

    EDIT : TYPO -“” – !!!

  • Skeletonsaint47

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    I’m a Pisces and for some reason I assumed I was a Virgo rising until literally last week when I found my birth certificate and did the calculation online and found out I’m actually Sagittarius rising. I think I got this idea from my mother wrongly telling me I had Virgo in my chart (I’m not sure if this is a false memory though) and I have been told by a number of people that I have Virgo traits. So yeah, I kind of know what you’re going through, it’s definitely weird.

  • themooniscool

    February 11, 2021 at 10:19 am

    My whole life is an existential crisis.. my wild and crazy Aries sun is constantly fighting with my conservative cap rising. But with my Leo moon (and a lot of my other placements) I wouldn’t trade my chart for the world ????

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