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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing You liked my last piece so here’s my most recent, 1 piece of a triptych. My interpretation of Hecate – Daughter of Asteria and Perses, giver of life to Empusae, protector of Persephone, guardian of the crossroads, mother to hellhounds, honoured by Zeus, ruler of the underworld and deity of magic.

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  • #171284 Reply


    You liked my last piece so here’s my most recent, 1 piece of a triptych. My interpretation of Hecate – Daughter of Asteria and Perses, giver of life to Empusae, protector of Persephone, guardian of the crossroads, mother to hellhounds, honoured by Zeus, ruler of the underworld and deity of magic.

  • You liked my last piece so here’s my most recent, 1 piece of a triptych. My interpretation of Hecate – Daughter of Asteria and Perses, giver of life to Empusae, protector of Persephone, guardian of the crossroads, mother to hellhounds, honoured by Zeus, ruler of the underworld and deity of magic.

  • -PinkUnicorn-

    July 16, 2021 at 1:30 am

    If anyone’s got any favourite stories or bits of trivia about Hecate please share them, I’m going to be doing a large triptych on canvases with her as the focus. I’m going through a huge journey in my life right now and I feel very drawn to her, I’d love to read anything you’ve all got to say about her.

  • Petrichor_Paradise

    July 16, 2021 at 1:30 am

    This is beautiful, the closeups incredible, and the paw enlargement made my day. Please post the other panels when completed! Great work!

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