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Forums Forums Astrology What has been your experience with your north node? Has it felt like smooth sailing or really challenged your anxiety?

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    I’ll go first in the comments.

  • What has been your experience with your north node? Has it felt like smooth sailing or really challenged your anxiety?

     Arianna updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • ScorpionicAquarian94

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    North Node in Scorpio 8th House, South Node in Taurus. It says it is about leaving security, letting go and aiming for deep connection and experiences with others opposed to material ownership. I have never felt marlterialistic, though I care a lot about security. It is certainly difficult, and I do not feel like it is from a lack of trying as I have continuously put myself in emotionally risky situations, but it just never seems to pay off and I continuously end up emotionally incapacitated and immobilised from the extreme situations that keep coming up. Still, I won’t stop trying and try to approach new situations slightly differently each time.

  • tempted_temptress

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    So my north node is Sagittarius in the 5th house, and thus Gemini in the 11th house. I’ve always loved learning foreign languages, traveling, animals, learning, etc. Sadly while young and through college I didn’t have the income to travel much, but when I did I LOVED it.

    I got to study abroad late in college and I seriously cried on the cab ride to the airport to come back to the US. I missed my family and my fur baby but I loved living abroad. When I went abroad it was the first time I had stepped foot in an airport or even traveled on an airplane. I was in awe.

    When I was in college I dreamed of a life where I could just go live in Africa for a few years. I’ve always wanted to travel to places off the beaten path. Most people I’ve met had more interest in Europe, Australia, etc but for me I’ve never been scared away from traveling to places like Mozambique, Egypt, etc. Those places sound the most fun to me. But my life didn’t really work out for this. I started a career and hoped I’d eventually make enough money to at least travel on holidays even though traveling abroad still feels impossible given the time and money required around a full time job. I think over time I just became complacent and at some point my love of traveling diminished.

    I lost that strong pull to live abroad. I basically became like “I would love to live abroad if I could keep my good job and have enough money to see family.” The older I’ve gotten into my late 20s the more I want to be with family even though when I was young all I wanted was to be away from them. This might just be due to moving across the country 3 years ago. You can’t easily see family when you do that.

    In 2019 I got to travel to Los Angeles and meet my favorite actor Jeff Goldblum at one of his jazz shows. I felt so alive and invigorated in LA. Then in May and July I got to go on my first ever business trips to Austin TX and Philadelphia PA. I loved it both times but I did realize that I started not liking the travel part of traveling.

    I used to love flying but in the last few years I’ve realized how anxious I get about flying and fearing plane crashes (yes I know it’s rare. I’m only anxious while reaching altitude because the jerks and drops scare me for some reason where they never used to). Anyway I was single then but had a cat so it wasn’t too big of a deal.

    I’ve been stuck in this job for three years now and it’s a dead end. I’ve been applying to what’s out there and have been offered a job. The only problem is that it’s more of a sales job. Let me explain. It’s an economist position but requires you to go convince people to do interviews for data. This makes me anxious because I’m an introvert and although I’m great at working people over and getting what I need while making them feel good (a la Gemini south node) it also makes my Aquarius and Capricorn side squirm. And lastly it requires 25% of travel from Montana all the way down to Mexico for a region.

    Younger me would have loved it. Older me is intrigued but hesitant. It’s like I’m finding so many reasons that are fear based. This job would really accelerate my career. My current job is comfy and routine. I’ve done it so long I can bs quickly through most of it. It’s secure and my chances of being fired or laid off or incredibly low since it’s government. The new job is government too. But I guess I’m afraid and risk averse. That’s my Taurus mid heaven.

    I’m afraid of taking a new job and being just as overworked, hating the sales outreach part, and getting fired. I’m worried how traveling will affect my relationship and my bipolar disorder. I have to keep pretty routine habits around sleep and diet to stay mentally healthy. Granted I think the traveling is flexible and I can pick the times but it’s still the fatigue if doing it for a week a month or however long it is. But my kitty is getting older and I’ll see him less. But if I stay in my current I risk spinning my wheels for another 2-3 years. Part of me thinks I should take the new job. Maybe I’m being tested and it’s time for me to let go of the safety blanket. That’s what I’m struggling with and I never thought I would.

    I started off so strongly connected to my north node, left it behind and became happy with being unable to fully nourish it the way I wanted when younger, and now this random opportunity has appeared and is challenging me to come back towards my north node. I never thought I would land a travel job. I didn’t even notice it when I applied. I just applied for the title and experience. That’s my north node experience.

  • sagpluto

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    My Leo NN is in the 12H in opposition from my Sun. So… no smooth sailing. But I have learned to embrace it. 🙂

  • Indigo_222

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Taurus North Node in house 11. This is the area of astrology/my chart I’m most interested in but I haven’t yet made full sense of what it means in terms of direction. I have learned some hard lessons when it comes to my south node (scorpio 5th house) to do with my ego, humility, being too individualistic…needing to be more light hearted emotionally and get less caught up in toxic and intense relationships and so on. I’d love to understand what my North Node path is though, where I should be heading.

  • Kannon_McAfee

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    The N.Node of the Moon is the place in the sky where its path crosses the Sun’s (ecliptic). So it is not a planetary energy itself, but represents balanced soul growth moving forward. That does not make the S.Node bad or undesirable, but the more familiar place from which to gain traction moving forward. It is not something to be avoided.

    My own chart has Virgo rising with Pluto in that sign in 1st house, about 8° from the Asc, plus S.Node in Virgo (12th h.). So for me, there would seem to be a bit of a contradiction between my personality and what I need for soul growth. But that’s an illusion. N.Node in Pisces — and in the 6th house so very Virgoan in its interests (vocation, care for the body, etc) — keeps the balance. The sign of Pisces is about changing the *way* I experience the things that interest me and hold attention. Learning to be more open — analytical, but not judgmental; learning to let in spirituality by poetry-art-creativity, rather than moralisms; learning to see spirit in the body rather than buying into dualism.

  • lurkermclurkerson12

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN in Aries in the 7th house. Not anxiety reducing, just…really hard. Constantly vacillate between sacrificing my needs and giving too much of myself in relationships, then snapping back to try to reassert my independence and needing alone time. I have to think about my actions all the time, but at the same time not overthink and be in touch with my instincts. A constant balancing act. But then again, that’s my entire chart with Libra rising, Pluto and Venus in 1st and moon in 7th.

  • fmnatic

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I don’t know about smooth sailing, but it definitely seem natural to me.. NN is in virgo in the ninth house and i have a 9th house stellium, with sun+saturn+Mercury+Venus. With a (8th house) Virgo Moon too….

  • nuitsbleues

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN in Gemini in 7th, along with my sun, mercury and venus. I am definitely drawn toward being in close partnerships, and one-on-one connections in general. Even when I try to be single I’m usually still really close with my ex(es) for a long time. In primary school I usually had one best friend at a time, that sort of thing. Yet I’m also pretty independent in some ways, and really value alone time. Despite my pull toward these one-on-one partnerships I have never fully committed to anyone (SN in sag in first I guess? I just feel I need to have my own adventures!). I’m not sure how to reconcile this exactly, but in the recent nodal return I have been thinking about relationship models that are outside of the norm.

    I also want to go back to school to get a degree in some kind of therapy, which is typically one-on-one work. My early adulthood was focused on art, which in my case was very me-focused, very first house. Overall this hasn’t been smooth sailing… it can feel pretty anxiety-inducing. I really, really fear abandonment and being alone, yet I also really don’t want anything too basic or “normal” (Uranus conjunct SN also conjunct AC, heyo), because I might feel trapped or bored.

  • subtractionsoup

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    My NN is in Virgo in the 1st house, which seems to suggest that I’m supposed to be more practical, analytical and disciplined in this life. In this case I suppose it’s fortunate that I have my Mars/Asc in Virgo, though not close to my NN.

    I’ve often felt as though I’m just drifting through life, but the time and energy I’ve spent focussing on projects, whether it was getting a degree, learning new skills, my day job or various art projects, it seemed to add substance to my being. I could easily let myself float through life as a bum but it’s by making hay while the sun shines that I get the impression that anything meaningful is happening.

    Edit: To answer your question about anxiety: I can’t say if it’s my NN influence but I have Mars conjunct Ascendant in Virgo. I was born anxious and will die anxious.

  • Effective_Cell_8395

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    North node is in 9th house ruled by Virgo. I don’t have any aspects whatsoever. It’s challenging because no matter how much I want to relate to it, I just feel a sort of disconnect and loss of agency.

  • creepygirl420

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I have Leo North Node in 12th. I also have my moon in the 12th but in Virgo, working with my North Node has been immensely fulfilling for me. I believe it’s all about letting go and trusting the universe fully. Finding my own independent spiritual path. Not being afraid to be alone. Finding my identity through my spirituality. I feel like the universe always blesses me when I work in the realm of the 12th house.

  • ShinyBoots0fLeather

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Sag NN and IC in my 4th and Gem SN/Midheaven 10th

    I grew up very close to my family. We were very tight, but as I got older I realized how toxic they all are and I always had/still have this urge to run very far away. Now I’m in my late 20s and have my own family and a very small circle, and I love it this way. Although I do miss the feeling of having a big family, i refuse to he around toxic family members. I have friends that are more family than my own. I’m a mother and I take my role very seriously. I want to give them everything I didn’t have. But now that they’re getting older, I finished my associates and I’m planning on pursuing my education further and currently trying to figure out my career, but I have too many interests (thx Gemini Midheaven). So I think I’m in between, because I have the philosophical perspective now, I love being in school, but I’m also pursuing my career choices and realizing I won’t have just one career, but probably different ones.

  • bearlybalanced

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I’ve got my NN 10th house cancer.

    I feel like it’s calling me to be communal for a vocation and I neither care to be communal nor do I care for a vocation.

    So challenge here

  • groundfood

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    North node is in Capricorn
    South node is in cancer

    I feeeeeeel very very introverted with a longing feeling of setting myself free for social interaction.
    I also am going through this situation with a guy that I am having trouble letting go of. It’s not smooth sailing for me, at least emotionally…

    I find work and saving money is helping me in some ways…as boring as it is

  • Fantastic-Ad-40

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Cancer NN in 8 house, was sole caretaker for my beloved mother while she died of cancer and I was there watching the whole thing, she was my best friend ❤️
    Was really tough when she died last year, but I wouldn’t have missed any of it for the world , she was love of my life

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