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Forums Forums Astrology What has been your experience with your north node? Has it felt like smooth sailing or really challenged your anxiety?

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    I’ll go first in the comments.

  • What has been your experience with your north node? Has it felt like smooth sailing or really challenged your anxiety?

     Arianna updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • nathan4421

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    For me, I have 10TH house Aries north node and honestly maybe at times I have a little anxiety but I don’t have much anxiety. For me it’d be more smooth sailing. If it’s relevant I also have my MC on my North Node line. I have some aspects and the degree is 29 degrees

  • Imlordeyayayah

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Virgo NN in 8H – My thoughts are far from organized, I’m constantly overthinking things and doubting myself. I use my intuition over logic almost 90% of the time. I oftentimes struggle with dissociation and I isolate myself from people every chance i get. My Pisces SN surely doesn’t help, it’s like I live in LaLa land, or a dream sometimes.

  • FixinYoShit

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    North Node Leo 11H, South Aquarius 5H.

    So far the way I see this journey progressing is Leo is pushing me to allow myself time in the spotlight. When I was younger I had very low self esteem, and as I grow and I am building it up and working towards being a vocal individual amongst the collective. 11H pushes me to vocalise my thoughts and feelings in a progressive manner, aiming to utilise myself as a servant of my community. 5H Aquarius I am not so sure on how it affects me, other than my lack of desire for romantic connection, as this is 5H’s domain. Open to other takes on this but the journey so far has been wildly fulfilling 🙏

  • snake_belly

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Extremely anxiety inducing lol. I have it in the late degrees of Capricorn in my 8th house. Saturn is also in my 8th but in Aquarius. My node has been getting a lot of heavy transits lately (Pluto has been sitting on top of it all year), leading up to my Saturn return.

    I feel like I got a double dose of the “fear” associated with the North Node given that it is literally in the house of phobias. I’m still trying to figure out exactly where I’m supposed to go with it, but I did benefit from seeing a therapist from ages 25-29. She happened to be an astrologer as well, with Saturn in Scorpio in the first house which felt right on the money for the kind of therapy I need.

  • QuestioningThink

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    My NN is in Leo in the 3rd house and SN in Aquarius in the 9th house. I’m an introverted loner who goes out of my way to avoid any kind of conversation or attention. Really bad stage fright and naturally soft spoken. This might sound stupid I don’t even like when employees at a store I frequent a lot start to recognize me as a regular. I have a hard time opening up to and showing my true self to others as well as showing emotions due to growing up with a gaslighting expert mother.

  • ArtyFeasting

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN Capricorn in the 4th house. On one hand it’s conjunct my sun and saturn + trine Mars so finding my life’s path has been easy. On the other hand it’s opposite my MC which means my karmic path is not aligned with my ambitions. Bit of a tough pill to swallow for a Capricorn. On the positive side my mc is conjunct Chiron, so whatever happens is likely good and so long as I can help others I am also helping myself.

    I am resolved to accept whatever the universe has in store for me.

  • b0yishz

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Taurus north node in fifth house has made me realize thing about how I could channel my creativity and stuff, but it also makes me wish I learned how to play an instrument or something

  • DueDay8

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I have NN in Aries in the 6th house, alongside Jupiter, which is supposed to be a favorable placement, or “Lucky/Fortunate” I was told.

    It literally took me +33 years to realize that I’m at my most successful and energized when I put myself first and act purely from my own passions and self-interest. But those have also been my most stressful and often lonely times, completely insecure and outside my comfort zone. My SN is in Libra in 12th house.

    My natural tendency is to be very communal, self-sacrificing, and partnership focused. I love community-building and felt it was my life’s purpose and core identity, yet I’ve continually failed for years trying to build intentional communities all ovwr the country. I also continually got very physically ill every time. I do usually prioritize the group over myself or get heavily involved in group humanitarian projects. I was a social worker, community organizer, and lived in shared housing for 10 years.

    I feel, now that I’ve given that community organizer & intentional community vision for my life up, I’m completely lost. I hate doing things by myself! I will, but only when forced and usually reluctantly. My personality and values are so people-focused because I find people so fascinating, and it gives me security to be part of a close-knit cohesive community, despite it mostly being illusive (Gemini Sun, Venus, Chiron in 8th House /Scorpio Rising conjunct Pluto 1st House/ Pisces moon in 5th), I really can’t figure out where to go from here. Also have some childhood trauma from parents calling me “selfish” repeatedly for years, so I feel I built a lot of my identity around proving I’m not selfish and am willing to be a martyr for the greater good.

    My best friend has the same NN placement, Aries & Jupiter but in her 5th house , so we are trying to figure out how to prioritize ourselves, because prioritizing others has been doomed to fail every time, but neither of us are doing it very well. Doesn’t help we both come from cultures where being self-interested as women is considered a serious character flaw, so we REALLY have to step out on our own without any encouragement or support and with everyone in our lives telling us to do the opposite to be accepted and loved.

    At this point I’m just coasting, trying to get my bearings after giving up my lifelong dream of building a commune. Kinda sucks tbh. I haven’t figured out what else to do but I hope to find something soon. Its to pull a 180 of this sort but I know everything I try will keep failing until I figure it out.

  • Csalz94009

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I have my North Node in my 9th house in the sign of Leo. I have Venus square my North Node and I have Uranus opposition my North Node. I also have Sun Trine my North Node. I’m all kinda still new to astrology so I’m still researching what this means. But so far life hasn’t been smooth sailing and more anxiety based at the moment.

  • mollypockett7

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    gem NN 1st house, and i also have saturn in gem in the 2nd lol. so yeah, i’m struggling

  • KarbonStar

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Extremely challenging! My comfort zone is to support ppl(friends, colleagues, etc)/organizations and lead from behind the scenes so to speak. I have always resisted being in the spotlight. My NN is in 11TH Leo.

  • cracker-please

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I mean, are north nodes ever smooth sailing? Mine is in Pisces in the 12th house (11th for whole sign. It is the only thing that changes on my chart but I haven’t read anything about north node in the 11th that in any way was relevant to me

    Everything in Jan Spiller’s Astrology for the Soul is very me. I like order and cleanliness, when I try to come off as being perfect I’ll be extra sweaty or stain my clothing or something…and I’m supposed to cede control to a higher power. I have a Sag stellium so I WANT to believe. My Saturn is in Sag and I often fear that I am living a life without meaning and purpose and religion would probably help with that but..I’m a Taurus rising. I am a skeptic. I don’t really believe in something that I can’t see and often in regards to faith I am just cynical, knowing it is all about power and money so ceding control to a higher power that I don’t believe in feels..impossible. I am stuck in a cycle that I’m not sure how to break out of, it is all me in my head that is in my own way.

  • KarbonStar

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    Wow I’ve noticed many Leo NN. Other ppl feel my pain 😩😂

  • arcoiris62

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    I feel like I channel my Sag North Node well because it’s conjunct my Sun and Venus. I grew up poor so couldn’t travel when I was younger, but I still learnt two foreign languages and had friends from all over the world because my city is very multicultural.
    I got a lot of grants when I went to university and that’s when I started travelling. I think I’ve visited about 15 countries in the last 9 years – I would have visited more if we weren’t in a pandemic. I’ve also lived in two foreign countries and I’m moving abroad again soon.
    I majored in philosophy at university, too – In fact, I still consider myself a philosopher even though I don’t study the subject.
    I don’t really identify with my Gemini South Node too much nowadays. I did possess a lot of Gemini qualities as a kid, though, and when I’m in an unhealthy environment I tend to exhibit negative Gemini traits, but that’s all.

    Edit: I forgot to add that I’ve struggled more with the positions of my lunar nodes (North Node in 4th house and South Node in 10th house). I never knew how to interpret it until recently, perhaps. I thought it was all about family and roots etc. and, yeah it can be, but for me I think it’s about finding my own chosen family and maybe working from home.

  • ldrbmthcc

    September 9, 2021 at 2:19 am

    NN Leo 10th house squaring my Scorpio ascendant 🤡🤡 so no.

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