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Forums Forums Astrology What is your Moon, Mercury and Mars and how do you express or process your anger ?

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    What is your Moon, Mercury and Mars and how do you express or process your anger ?

  • What is your Moon, Mercury and Mars and how do you express or process your anger ?

     deeragunz_11 updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • glitterbukkakes

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Pisces moon, Aries Mercury, Aries Mars.

    In the wise words of JLo, Let’s get loud 🔊🔊🔊

  • OhJayEee

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Scorpio moon, pisces mercury, cancer mars. I hold the anger inside, letting it poison me until it becomes absolutely unbearable and explodes out, sometimes at the person responsible, but more often at myself

    My body is a whole ass wine cellar of finely aged grief lmao

  • oakuletzz

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Taurus Moon, Scorpio Mercury, Libra Mars

    I used to not express my anger in public because I had this fear that people would shit on me and I would lose an ego battle because I don’t have an ego and that they wouldn’t care about what I don’t like and would just try not to get mad so nobody hurted me. Because of that I started to show the anger that has built in me at home and just be agressive and super blunt at home and I realized it’s not something good and decided to change.

    Now when I am angry I just say what disturbs/annoys me straight and blunt and I don’t care if I hurt that person because my well-being (me in general) is more important. If I have to confront someone here, I’ll do it whitout thinking.

    There are very few things that anger me and one of them is to lose, i hate losing, and when it’s about losing, it becomes an ego battle that I always do my best to win. I am very confrontational in this kind of situation.

    And how I process my anger, I like to be alone and process everything in my mind (but I must be alone and one should be near me or disturb me at that moment) and there I decide what I do next and other things etc.

  • jchon2017

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Aquarius moon, Aquarius mercury, Leo mars

    I express my anger a lot more in private. I usually say I get irritated more than I get angry.

  • ali3naquarian

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Scorpio moon, Aquarius Mercury, and Capricorn Mars

    I am very expressive and vocal about my anger, I am pretty reactive if something severe sets me off, or if it’s something that keeps happening.. repetition of something that I’ve vocalized that bothers me irritates me severely. I will gladly articulate why I am upset, although I do not like confrontation. I personally, would rather just burn the bridge than deal with anymore stress or bullshit in my life. I used to journal heavily when I was younger, but have fallen off.. but I find that processing my anger and emotions lies heavily in creating. Whether it be writing, art, or vocalizing it. I have to let it out.

  • ArtyFeasting

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Sag moon cj mercury 3h, mars in Taurus 8h

    It takes a lot to make me angry but I act like a crazy person. I learned as I got older that it’s better to just take a walk til I stop seeing red.

  • memedilemme

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Gemini moon, Aquarius mercury and Mars.

    I get really worked up and then realize I don’t give a shit.

  • StayIndie

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Libra Moon, Aries Mars, Aries Mercury
    Short fuse, but the bomb is a dud.

    When I do get upset it’s normally about a perceived injustice, especially if it’s in defense of a third-party. I have this moral code that I adhere to, and that I also hold everyone else too. I blow up pretty quickly, and it doesn’t last more than three minutes. I’m just there to complain about the rule break. The whole thing comes off like a court room argument. It’s like I’m yelling at someone so they’ll fall in line with my idea of model behavior. The whole thing is super unfair.

    I’ll add, it’s about keeping the harmony. My emotional peace comes from things being fair and balanced. And my Aries placements will defend that peace. Flaming Sword of Justice-esq.

    I can see myself doing it too, but it’s like I enjoy it. Mars meets Venus

  • AvocadoBitter7385

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Aquarius moon, Scorpio Mercury, Capricorn Mars and tbh I’ve never really get like genuinely angry. But when I do I just calm down and idk move on.

  • [deleted]

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Aries Moon, Virgo Mercury and Gemini Mars.

    First i’m hella bummed out, start ruminating, lettings things fester until it boils over and then it’s.. BOOM! I explode, the anger pours out of me but my pride and weird sense of humor kick in too. I act stupid af, making extremely dumb angry jokes expressing my hurt and anger that realistically at the end of the day make me look like a complete lunatic that only other crazies and myself probably find funny. After that I turn into a big emo baby again until I cool off and start acting like nothing even happened.

    It’s a rollercoaster and I want to get off! 😩

  • MamafishFOUND

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Oh goshhhh Moon in Sag, Mercury in Pisces and Mars in Gemini. moon opposed my mars and Moon squares my Mercury. Mercury also squares my Mars. Short answer I don’t deal with my emotions I bottle up and dissociate from them especially the big and negative ones as much as I can until I’m pushed to a boiling point then I either explode or self harm in some
    Form. I am older now and I’m trying to find the best way how to deal with the meltdowns and such; I have adhd and suspected in the autism spectrum so I can only do so much when dealing with emotions

  • revengeofkittenhead

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    4th house Cancer Mercury, 12th house Pisces Moon and 12th house Aries Mars. I usually stuff my anger down deep inside me and ignore it. A lot of the time I am not even fully aware that I feel anger. Or, being an empath, I feel anger and then realize it is someone else’s. The problem is that I stuff and ignore it so long that eventually it comes out in disproportionate bursts of rage. I am angry maybe once a year, and you do not want to be around for it. I have been working hard on this, though, and I think I am much better about it than I have been for my whole life, but I am still really UNCOMFORTABLE with my anger and still kind of don’t know what to do with it.

  • ohdulcenada

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Cap moon, Pisces mercury, Libra mars

    I deal with it terribly. I get sad, either I explode or repress it. I tend to act impulsively or not react at all and become remorseful. It’s a lot

  • Quoias

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    All of it is in Virgo and I cater how I express it to the situation. Like if I’m with my family I’ll be more expressive about it than if I’m with my friends, and if I’m working then I won’t really appear angry at all but more, annoyed.

  • IssuIssai

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Pisces moon, Gemini Mercury, Pisces Mars

    Usually if I get angry then I start crying💀 Sometimes it’s because I feel bad for causing a problem in the first place, or sometimes it’s straight up angry tears that I’m trying to yell through 😭

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