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Forums Forums Astrology What is your Moon, Mercury and Mars and how do you express or process your anger ?

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    What is your Moon, Mercury and Mars and how do you express or process your anger ?

  • What is your Moon, Mercury and Mars and how do you express or process your anger ?

     deeragunz_11 updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • OkRequirement3540

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    ♊️♎️♋️ , someone just read my birth chart and warned me to be careful expressing my anger. They also said I repress a lot of my feelings which is funny because I’ve dealt with situations when I’ve had to stifle some pretty steaming rage. When I do express myself it’s usually in a tactful, balanced, mercenary type of way. I go in until mission accomplished.

  • odessanova

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Aquarius moon, Virgo mercury, and Scorpio mars. I don’t usually feel anger so in the rare times that I do, I don’t know how, so I just hold it in and ruminate, then send long, graphic, and apparently “creatively worded” texts to my boyfriend about what made me angry, and then I feel all better 🙂

  • Sleuth1ngSloth

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Leo Moon, Sagittarius Mercury, Scorpio Mars.

    I used to get angry and pop off without thinking, now I hold my tongue more often and consider the long-term effects. Sometimes it is really too intense though and I still blow up. My anger is straightforward and intense. I don’t hold back. I give an intense verbal laceration; however, I don’t hit below the belt, everything I say is true and I won’t say something just for the sake of being cruel.
    My anger may come on quickly or slowly, but it always dissipates quickly. I don’t have much use for being angry. I spent so much of my youth angry that I’m over it now. I feel more productive when I am at peace and balanced. I forgive quickly, too; it doesn’t mean I didn’t learn from the experience or that I trust that person anymore, but I let the anger go and move on.

  • Quickwitt11

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Pieces moon, Leo Mars, and Scorpio Mercury.

    I bury it. Definitely super healthy and doesn’t come out when I don’t want it to. Or it turns into depression and anxiety fuel.

    I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings so I bite my tongue a lot.

  • beingpenelope

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Gemini Moon, Aqua Mars and Mercury.

    Emotional, intense.
    But I usually keep my anger bottled up until it explodes.
    I won’t forgive easily.
    And i usually avoid those made me angry.

  • singleoriginsalt

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Pisces moon, cap mercury, Libra Mars

    I’ll once left a scathing, meticulous and long review of a psychiatrist and finished with “I don’t believe this is reflective of the practice she wants to build. I hope she can reflect and grow.”

  • songsforsadppl

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Gemini mars, Gemini moon, Cancer mercury. It depends, sometimes I’m very aggressive and open to confrontation, but sometimes just passive aggressive. I think it becomes less the first and more the second as I learn to process my emotions. But I think regardless I’m very open to saying what I don’t like

  • MermaidPinUp

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Libra moon, Scorpio Mercury, Pisces Mars.

    It takes a giant amount to make me hold onto anger for any length of time at all. For years I was afraid of the feeling of anger. Now I’ve learned how to channel it into healthy pro-active action and am more confident in calmly dealing with my feelings; (but I still have to fight the urge to repress it!)

  • chefs_kiss_21

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Cancer moon (9H). Leo Mercury (10H). Virgo Mars (11H). When I get angry, I happen to cry and have this temptation to grab some thing and throw it across the room, and angrily rant to myself. Or I sometimes get moody, breathe out heavily in frustration and that’s it lmao- but well, I happen to get pissed easily ~~(doesn’t help when I have a Mars square Pluto)~~

  • astrallizzard

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Capricorn moon, Pisces Mercury and Mars.

    I get angry very easily lol, as in, anger is one of the main emotions I feel in life. Most of the time, I’ve forgotten about it after 5 minutes, but I’m also *super* stubborn, and will never forgive if you really fucked with me. The cold switch just flips on.

    I will also argue relentlessly if need be, despite the fact that it can make me very uncomfortable.

  • mechrobioticon

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Taurus moon 7h, Leo mars 10h, Cancer mercury 9h

    I don’t usually get angry, even when I probably should. I’m pretty closed off about that sort of thing. I think of it as being on top of it, but I’ve been called emotionally constipated, lol. I have a hard time holding a grudge because the emotion behind it tends to fade pretty quickly.

    When I **am** actually angry (which is rare), I tend to speak more slowly and choose my words more carefully. My (now ex) gf told me that she found the way I act when I’m angry to be creepy and cold, and that my demeanor becomes professional in a bad way–more like a pissed-off coworker than a friend or a lover.

    I cuss all the time, lol, but I stop using swear words if I’m actually angry. On my end, I think of it as trying to be mindful/composed. I try to keep my face calm/neutral when I’m angry, but I’ve been told my eyes can look kind of hateful. It’s not on purpose, lol.

  • venus_in_furz

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Gemini moon 9h, Capricorn mercury 4h, Aries Mars 7h


  • likeaforestfire

    August 15, 2022 at 11:30 pm

    Capricorn moon, Mercury in Aquarius, Mars in Sagittarius.

    I want to process my anger right away and resolve the situation in whatever manner possible. I tend to cry with frustration and then move on fairly quickly. But if someone pisses me off enough, I can hold a hell of a grudge.

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