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    I’ve recently been conducting past life readings for clients. I’ve been reading in one form or another bow for over two decades. I began with basic tarot cards and rudimentary readings using tarot. This began when I was roughly 9-10 years old. At first, tarot was absolutely brilliant for learning how to read and interpret what I was sensing. And the cards were a great tool! Now, I don’t want to make anyone think I’m against tarot! Because I am not. And I still believe tarot readings can be helpful. However, I found over time that no matter what questions I were asking of the cards, I could use the images on the deck to “fit” pretty much anything! That’s when I stopped using tarot cards. I then began practicing using intuition alone.

    I have been reading ever since then using just my intuition. I have found using psychic gifts over tarot far more accurate and detailed. I’m now able to give readings with a LOT more specific answers!

    Anyway, back to the title of this post! As most of you other psychic readers here know, meditation is an extremely valuable tool when conducting readings.

    When I got to the age of about 18, I discovered my spirit guides. This was through meditation. I had already found my animal totem (which changes often) and y spirit animal/s. When I discovered my spirit guides though it was a game changer! My readings were far more detailed. And my guides gave me confidence where I would have maybe faltered before. I soon discovered by using my guides when reading friends that I could help people find their own guides too! So I’ve been doing readings where I help people find their guides too. This has been very beneficial to many sitters.

    My first ever regression for myself was done for me by a powerful white witch. She showed me how to do the regression. I found out about many of my past lives. I am going to share with you how I personally do regressions. I go into my usual meditation. Inside my “feild of dreams” (that’s just my personal name for my mediation environment), I find a set of “doors”. When reading another person, before I even begin, I ask the person how far back they would like me to go. I then enter the “doorway” which I feel is the most important to the customer. When inside, I can “view” the past life of the person. Right from early life, through the whole key events of that life. And finally leading to the death.

    Most people hope and want to be someone famous and important in their past life. I don’t advise anyone getting a past life reading if this is their expectation. One girl I did a regression for years ago got very upset because I discovered she was a humble mill worker. And I put a LOT of energy and effort into these readings. But because she wanted to be someone powerful and famous I think she just felt deflated. But we cannot expect to be someone really important in our previous lives! I’m still doing these readings as well so if anyone wants a private discussion my inbox is open!

    So, now for my main question! I believe that we’re all starseeds. That each of our souls lived once in another world. We were continuously reincarnated in these worlds. But, as with every star and planet, they die eventually and become dust. I then believe our souls instinctively seek out a new world/home/planet/host. And then when we do find this, we settle and evolution and reincarnation begins again!

    People say that we reincarnate to learn lessons. I do agree with this….to an extent! I am a HUGE believer in karma! I believe the reasons for reincarnation and last lives are many. These are my own beliefs as to the point of reincarnation: to learn. To keep the life of the soul going on. To make sure we’re always in touch in one way with our twinflame soulmate and soulmates in general. And I believe the main reason is to keep karmic balance going!

    So, if you have discovered your own way of regression and your own past lives, how did YOU do it? What are YOUR theories as to why we reincarnate? And if you don’t believe in reincarnation, what are your reasons?


    mimimiperrito updated 2 years, 12 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • mimimiperrito

    May 21, 2021 at 1:40 am

    life experience.

    When I was a kid, I read a book of witches, Scholastic book from the elementary school library, and I read the curse that was left in it by the actual REAL LIFE WITCHES THAT WERE BURNED IN SALEM, MASSACHUSETTES!

    I said the spell, and I cursed myself. Then it hit me when I removed it…holy shit I was THAT SAME WITCH. 🙂

    I cursed the white people that killed me.

    Thats good enough for me 🙂

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