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Forums Forums Astrology 11th house, dreams, wishes, and saturn

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    Hi all! I would like to discuss the 11th house and it’s relation to one’s dreams and aspirations.
    And I would especially like to hear from people who have saturn in their 11th house. How does this placement manifest in your life?

    Thanks in advance

  • 11th house, dreams, wishes, and saturn

     heather_violet123 updated 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 8 Replies
  • serenaitani

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    11th house is a beautiful karmic or dharmic reward. It will open doors for you and give you opportunities to manifest your dreams. Along the way, it encourages you to think outside the box because of Uranus energy. And it always demands you give back to the collective. Analyzing Saturn in the 11th house completely depends on which sign Saturn is in, and the relative aspects. It could mean you have to follow a certain discipline in order to achieve your aspirations. It could mean you will meet important teachers in your life who will give a lot of insight and guide you. It could mean that you will only be able to achieve your dreams if you work hard… So many scenarios. You need to study the aspects of Saturn, its sign, and the ruling sign of the 11th house to understand what it is trying to tell you. Hope that helps!

  • [deleted]

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    I’ve noticed people with Saturn in the 11th tend to have jobs politics, activism, or any kind of institutional work for example a government or university job- especially if the whole sign midheaven is there or its your ascendant ruler. Saturn in the 11th can also cause someone to feel isolated or like they are rejected/outcast from groups or feeling like they don’t fit in, especially if Saturn is debilitated in any way or it’s a night chart.

  • Frogchairy

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    Everyone has different perspectives of course, so I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

    In Hellenistic astrology (which is what I prefer), the planets, signs, and houses are all distinct. That is to say, the modern practice of the “Alphabet System” in not in effect.

    Traditionally, the 11H represented the area of life associated with the collective. This is the place of friends, groups, organizations, etc. The things that we make together. It is a succedent house aspected to the AC via sextile, and thus one of the only truly “positive” houses! It is known as the house of “Good Spirit.” It holds the abstract joys of life such as friendships and a sense of belonging.

    In contrast, the 5H is the called the house of “Good Fortune.” It refers to the tangible joys of life. It is on the bottom of the chart (the earth) where as the 11H is at the top (the sky). The 5H are things we make by ourselves / for ourselves. Our own personal art and passions etc. While the 11H is the collective pursuit, our shared dreams and goals. Both these houses deal with power too. Individual agency and collective agency. This axis is about voice! Independence. Freedom. Choice. etc.

    Saturn is malefic of the diurnal sect. Saturn is seen as “cold and dry.” Associated with winter, it makes things slow down. Makes things freeze.

    In astrology it represents limitations, restrictions, barriers, challenges, inaction, fears, etc.

    If Saturn was placed in the 11H (and had poor condition, i.e. out of sect, nocturnal sign, poorly aspected, etc.) then it would act up and cause problems here!

    11H saturn is indicative of problems in regards to friends. And the nature of these problems is restrictions. So feeling like support systems and community are inaccessible. This would be someone who is potentially shy in groups, or has a hard time making friends. They feel cut off. They feel like groups/friends are out of their reach. Making friends and becoming involved in groups or building community is a very slow process for them. It takes a lot of time and a lot of work. It is not an easy part of life for the native.

    In contrast, Mars is the hot and dry malefic. It is like hot summer sun. It dries things out and burns them up! So a Mars in 11H would be drama. Lot of relationship bridges being burned and communities falling apart. Mars likes to rip walls down and destroy structures. So maybe this native could find friends easily, but usually they don’t last. Or they break down quickly with flare. Someone with 11H mars might find that every single time they find a community, that, for what ever reason, it falls apart and that they never find a place for themselves. So again, this native would feel like they are isolated from friendships, but kind of in the opposite manner from saturn.

    Does that make sense? 🙂

  • [deleted]

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm


  • Better_Fortune3492

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    I have Chiron in 11th house. In Scorpio :/

  • TheRareExceptiion

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    Sun and mercury in Virgo in the 11th house here, making my 4H Aquarius (home of my NN). My midheaven is in Leo along with Venus, Jupiter and SN. I’m 2 years post Saturn return, which taught me life is bigger than just myself and my own needs (LEO SN lol) . I cared and empathized with others but Saturn really taught me how to appreciate the collective and use my gifts to eventually put myself into a position to help on a bigger scale! I understand now from your post that the Uranian quality of the 11th house and my Virgo sun trine Capricorn Uranus flavored my unique mental processes. GREAT post!

  • emcee_nulty

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    I have my sun, venus, and chiron all in the 11th and all in gemini. I have a… strong personality but i also feel so much like i’m struggling to find my way career-wise and partner-wise

  • Intelligent-Whole277

    March 2, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    I have Saturn in the 11th, in Virgo. Mercury, ruler of the house is in the 5th house, making a wide opposition.

    My experience has been prototypical in terms of always feeling like an outsider and having trouble making friends. That is, having trouble being popular. Throughout my life I’ve always had a small circle of true friends but have never been good in groups.

    I have a lot of creative impulses, even true talents, but have trouble expressing them. I had my first child at 40. I’m starting midlife and still have so many goals and wishes to accomplish. I fully believe I will, too. I’m a late bloomer in that repsect

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