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Forums Forums Tarot 3 of Swords

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    Hi everyone, just wanted to make a quick post as I feel like nobody else will understand (my family doesn’t really get tarot lol) and it will help getting this off my chest. I had to put my sweet and beautiful cat down 3 weeks ago, because she was diagnosed with FIP. We did everything we could before that decision, and it has been extremely hard. I still think about her everyday and I miss her like crazy. I have been trying my best to go forward but the tears won’t stop. I feel like I have been pushing my “grief” to the side so I can function as normal as I can at work ,with family, and in general. Well, 2 days ago, I asked my deck what I should be more aware of in myself… and I pulled out the 3 of Swords.. needless to say, I just started bawling my eyes out. I usually pull 2 or 3 cards for my interpretations but that card told me everything I needed to know. I really needed that card, because it is also letting me know that the clouds will disperse and I will get better. Mourning can feel like an eternity, but strangely this card gave me solstice. I cried and cried and talked out loud, saying I loved her and missed her, and I looked at old photographs of us together when she was growing up. Things will get better, and thank you for taking time out to read this, <3

  • 3 of Swords

    frostbittenforeskin updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Bamb1na

    January 30, 2021 at 3:45 am

    I’m sorry for your loss. I have also experienced this loss and it isn’t easy. However what gave me solace was knowing that he was no longer suffering. Allow yourself to feel and purge your body of your suffering as you find closure with your loss. While your cat has passed away know that your familiar is always with you in spirit.

  • frostbittenforeskin

    January 30, 2021 at 3:45 am

    The 3 of swords is one of the most abruptly simple cards in the deck. Just heartache, plain and simple. An unavoidable hurdle in every life.

    Mourning your little friend is so pure, and there’s really no way around it. That pain is there and you’ve just got to process it.

    It’s wonderful though, that as you mourn, you are able to remind yourself of your love for your sweet cat friend. The love hasn’t gone anywhere, but the mourning can cause us to forget and ignore it as we try to avoid the discomfort of grief.

    I’m sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself while you mourn

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