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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing A baby witch desiring for some guidance

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    Hello! I stumbled apon this subreddit a few days ago, I have been loving it, as it is super supportive, witchy, and anti patriarchy. (like me!)

    (I do not mean to be rude here, but to be quite frank, I am ignorant of things. I want to learn, please help me if you can.)

    Problem is, my surroundings is not witchy, and my family is generally horrible people and support the patriarchy.

    I’ve been wanting to start supporting and being a witch, even with starting small and celebrating various traditions and holidays, such as Yule and Samhain, but there seems to only be content for veteran witches, not the baby beginners like me.

    I’m a white nonbinary older teenager who wants to “get into” witchcraft and spiritual things, but I have no idea where to start. And, my ancestors are British, French, French Canadian, and a tiny tiny bit of Irish. It leads to some problems while trying to find things that don’t hurt other cultures.

    (Again, I do not mean to be rude in any way, please correct me if I am/my wording is wrong.)

    Hecate seems to be an interesting goddess, but every bit of media around (that knows of her) paints her badly. Which honestly makes me sad because she seems neat.

    It feels like my spiritual connection is dead? Like the line connecting me to any sort of deity has gone dead for many years, I want to fix that.

    Aside from that basket of problems, this sub seems to be a lovely place and everyone here is so nice and supporting, which is amazing. I hope you have a good day (even if you don’t comment!) and for good luck to surround you.

  • A baby witch desiring for some guidance

  • CreativityandChaos

    November 15, 2021 at 7:38 pm

    What are YOU naturally drawn to in the world? Don’t think of rituals or dieties. Think of walking in the woods, looking for rocks, playing with water, gardening, connecting to your community through service or advocacy.

    What makes you feel connected to your world? It may take time to figure out. Returning to a true state involves a return to play and wonder before ritual imo. Rote repitition comes after spiritual connection for me.

  • itsdiscobitch

    November 15, 2021 at 7:38 pm

    Hi honey! Your craft is entirely your own and whatever you feel drawn to/want to incorporate! I would start reading books asap 🤍 general media paints all witchcraft and deities who aren’t a Christian god in a negative light, so I wouldn’t pay that any mind! Buy or check out some books that dive into witchcraft centered in your heritage, and try general books too! Read about what interests you and form your craft from there. 🤍

  • Witch-of-this-Forest

    November 15, 2021 at 7:38 pm

    Hearthwitch on youtube has some great videos for beginners, I’d warmly recommend watching those.

    If you’re impatient and want to add easy and beginner friendly witchy things to your life quickly, you can try for example:
    – walking in nature while trying to ”feel” what’s around you
    – trying to meditate
    – stirring coffee/tea/hot chocolate while imagining the hot drink to become calming or whatever it is you need
    – wearing bright colors when you need some brightness in your day, black for protection, blue or green for calm etc or whatever colors you feel correspond to what you need

    All in all, find what you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to try things, do your research before trying proper spells and just have fun doing what feels right ❤️

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