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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing A butterfly, a ladybug and a grey feather

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    Yesterday I was on the bus when I saw that a white butterfly got trapped and was trying to get out. I helped the little fella out the bus but I couldn’t stop feeling like that was a sign.

    Today it was the exact same situation, but with a ladybug, it also left the same feeling, stronger even, because what are the chances of that happening again. I just got home and found a grey feather on my balcony.

    I am not very good interpreting signs, so I am wondering what can it all mean. Is a deity trying to contact me? Is someone from the other side trying to reach me?

    Anything would be of help, thanks!

  • A butterfly, a ladybug and a grey feather

    Squishy-Cthulhu updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Glassfern

    June 23, 2021 at 3:03 am

    Insects getting trapped or lost happens quite often, but the moments when we notice and act upon helping is less common.

    Butterflies are often a symbol of rebirth, change, growth, patience, persistence and freedom. The one you found is likely a “cabbage white” one of the first spring time butterflies and they go well into the summer and fall. Some people like to interpret their butterfly based on color and pattern. Such as does it have stripes, or eye spots. Some butterflies are very simple, some even brown so people mistaken them for moths, such as the mourning cloak or the wood nymph butterfly. Butterflies also taste with their feet, which if you’re quirky might mean to approach a challenge in a different way.

    Ladybugs, lady beetles, lady birds are all the same thing. They are a type of beetle and are often seen as good luck if you find one, or one lands or crawls on you. During warmer months people tend to have a more positive vibe about them. In colder months negativity can occur as they make their way indoors in mass quantities. So moderation of a good thing
    They also eat aphids and are predatory and make common garden pest controllers. Helping others. They also excrete a stinky bitter yellow juice when they feel threatened. Be ready to protect yourself. The common lady bug if you’re in the US is actually non native and to find an actual native one is exciting and thrilling. If you find a native one it could mean you’ll find something that is lost or forgotten.

    Feathers carry many means based on size, color, shape and what bird species it came from. So this is really a purely on you to decide. To me there’s a mourning dove and a mocking bird that live near me. If they drop a feather, to me its a lucky sign as I really enjoy both birds, I like the melancholy but humble and patient mourning dove. While i like the energy and confidence of the mockingbird that has learned to combine all its knowledge of sounds into a complex song. Flight feathers are usually long ones with uneven barbules, aka one side is longer than the other. Perhaps something that represent freedom or advancement. Tail feathers are typically more even on both sides of the barb aka the center vein, so it could represent stability. Down feathers are the ultra fluffy and doesnt really keep its shape, are insulating, so perhaps comfort, warmth, love, etc.

    You can read all about feathers and how they serve a bird here :

    Then decide how that feather will serve you.

  • Squishy-Cthulhu

    June 23, 2021 at 3:03 am

    It’s the summer, butterflies and ladybirds are everywhere.

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