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Forums Forums Mediums Accepting Limits and Letting go after Difficult Readings. : Beginner Medium Skills

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    It can be difficult when trying to use psychic skills as a medium to help a client. We may really wish to provide more information and more facts than we are able to view as mediums. Coming to terms with the knowledge that we cannot know it all. is a process. Allowing our involvement to end after a reading is really essential.

    Being able to detach enough to be objective, takes practice. I am still working on remaining detached. I am not certain that psychics can ever completely suspend grief, anger, shock and any emotion felt during a reading. We have to learn to relate what we see without putting our own spin on it. (That is much easier said than done). relating facts and resist offering opinions is hard.

    It is a humbling feeling when we do not have all of the answers. We may be getting our information from a variety of sources. Those sources have limits. I have seen events from the viewpoint of spirit, witnesses, victims and perpetrators.

    Being patient with ourselves when we hit a block, is not necessarily easy. Being able to accept how we perceive the information can be challenging. We might perceive from the viewpoint of a third party, of a murderer, of a witness or of the victim. This is redundant. It is important. Since we tap in, we have to actively take time to clear ourselves afterwards. We need to restore our peace. We have to release that which is not us, consciously., thorough cleansing, activities with loved ones. walks, hikes. meditation and whichever method allows us to return that which is not ours, whence it came. Let it go. Tell it to go.

    It is not always effective when we try to see from more than one perspective. On occasion we are influenced by the thought processes or illness and emotional state of the person whose imagery we are connected to in the reading. We can be challenged in more emotionally charged readings involving crime.

    I was thinking of three instances in which I struggled as a medium. In the first, I was involved in an experiment to locate a missing person. I actively worked to locate the body of a missing person with a team. It was difficult for me, because I so wanted that person’s body to be found. I wanted to fly across a country to find her, my emotional attachment was so strong.

    I talked to her and I knew she would be located. I struggled with patience. I wanted her found, asap. I knew she wanted to be found. But, it was not the goal of the experiment to bring her location to light, it was to see how well we could hone in on her grave. This soul is still not at rest. She is not at peace, either. That bothers me. I have to accept that I cannot have the results that I wish for, when I wish for them, as a medium, a mother and as human.

    I had to force myself to settle for the goal of the experiment.

    In another instance, I helped locate a missing child, thousands of miles from my location. I was frustrated. All I wanted to do was to see the mother and to hug her and comfort her in person. I stood next to her in spirit and told her over and over again how I felt and that her child was alright. That was not my task as a medium. It was my need as a mother and as a human.

    My task was to help the search team to locate the body and to find the evidence that led to the identification and confession of the murderer. I had to resist the urge to want to do more. I was able to help the family to an extent to find the hidden body of a murdered child.

    I hugged him in spirit. I had that, if I did not have anything else. I was able to feel his little arms and touch his little curls. He spoke to me. that was all the comfort I was able to offer. I still wish I had been able to hug his mother and to comfort her. I was able to see him cross. I felt his joy at crossing and his reluctance to leave his mother.

    I had to content myself with what I was able to accomplish.

    More recently, I was involved in a similar effort. I saw from a certain angle. I am not certain, even now, if what I observed was a combination of the thought processes of this person and the actual things that she was remembering and seeing.

    What I learned was that In had to let go of the emotions and the images from the reading afterwards. I had to clear those emotions and images. I had to go somewhere fun and to actively push that reading out of my head with my own experiences. I had to sing, to dance, to immerse myself in music. I had to spend time.qirh loved ones and to call cousins and to laugh.

    Do that for yourselves. Let the worst go. Allow yourself tp be happy.

    As you begin this journey of service to others. As you start to help others with grief, be good to yourself. You are a conduit for love and acceptance and change. Allow yourself to value that and to let the negative parts go. Keep the love.

    Good journeys to all of you.

  • Accepting Limits and Letting go after Difficult Readings. : Beginner Medium Skills

     RicottaPuffs updated 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • TheSaltyTarot

    April 5, 2022 at 6:17 am

    It’s pretty *film noir*, isn’t it? Working in darkness, trying to salvage a bit of light.

Reply to: RicottaPuffs
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