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Forums Forums Mediums accidentally remote viewing or astral projecting, spirit beef from looking at them

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    Hi! I am a developing 24 year old psychic medium. I had an unfortunate “spirit” encounter after I looked at pictures of my childhood home fixed up before it was sold. I was reflecting on it positively which I usually don’t do. I didn’t see anything clairvoyantly for instance like a shadow I was just looking at pictures kinda felt the weird space. You can see previously I’ve posted it on here before but it was there my family of sensitives were bullied by things systematically. The weird thing is every time this specific thing is really invisible to me until it is actively attacking. I don’t get this at all and it’s left me with paranoia and doubts on my mediumship. Which I’ve come to understand is one of the goals of this thing. A lot of my gift has been through experiences astral projecting/lucid dreaming, clear knowing and feeling. I’m not trying to interpret or decipher a dream this is just how I often encounter things. I don’t do medium or psychic readings but sometimes tarot for myself. That being said after I looked at pictures same night I was put into a dream not fully lucid in my childhood bed. Something touched my foot it was hairy and I wanted to think it was my dog but I knew it wasn’t because she died in real life. Just like I did as a child when I felt spirits i hid under my blankets pretending they couldn’t hurt me or know I was awake if they couldn’t see me, and vice versa. I reached my hand out from under the blankets and grabbed with my hand the thing that was brushing up against me. This is the first time I’ve literally touched any entity, it felt of short dog hair their skinny ankle. How it feels to wrap your hands around it, but it kept going upwards endlessly. I kept going upward the ankle thing didn’t end, I still didn’t look. Something told me to do the Lord’s Prayer in my head which I don’t know, I then with the blankets draped around me and my head like a cape I sprinted FLED out of the room to my parents hopped on them woke them up told them something was there, then I woke up. In real life I was sleeping in the same room as my parents for my dads birthday. Last time I had a dream space encounter with this thing when I saw it for what it was it ran towards me, I then ran towards it full speed we physically threw ourselves at each other I woke up when we clashed. I notice when I think of it like with my ptsd I get put into a bunch of other instances it messed with me. When I get scared in dreams, whether it be something pops in there or something anxious or painful is happening I become instantly lucid, pray/meditate, and wake myself up to my body. It took a lot of sleep paralysis and one certain experience with it and God. This is the only entity demon whatever I’ve come across probably because it’s been around since I was 5, where I’m in a dream I’m not fully lucid. I somewhat know something is off and not right with where I am but I’m not really consciously there. I know and can feel I’m put in a younger version of myself scared. When fully lucid for instance I know about my experiences here so I can also protect myself properly. I see certain entities or demons are able to change my dream environment by putting me places physical locations, but I’m not. Not saying I haven’t been taken to cool places too. But Im only able to pray and transport myself here to my body, tell myself to clear the room when I wake but I cant change the scene or get the thing to leave so I can continue a dream in peace? This specific entity on a few occasions makes it to where I think I’m waking up going through the tunnel, and I’m instead transported into different dreams. 4 different times thinking I’m getting back to my earth body each time but I’m a different girl in another situation again, and everytime I realize what’s happening I become lucid freak out again and the dream will flip again. Like a movie. i don’t get how an entity can do this to me but I can’t do that to it(sorry)?? If I haven’t seen this thing in a year but it can do the same thing, what the heck. I realize I messed up in terms of “remote viewing” this was avoidable I’ve stopped watching paranormal videos, investigations, and movies portraying demonic activity because how things were reaching out. This helped me a ton going 6+ months of no spooky encounters. I personally ask for all my messages to come from my guides, God, ancestors, I’m not comfy with spirit interaction yet but if something’s juicy to me they’ll give a piece. if I get something from someone who passed it’s their hair color in my head, clothing, age and gender. I understand I didn’t pray or ground before or after looking at these images, and I haven’t been before going to sleep. I’ve only been grounding lately when I’m in distress or in pain. The reason I’m bringing all this up looking at images of a place I GREW UP in this thing looked back at me and wanted beef again. My question isn’t about protection but rather does this mean when I am reflecting on memories of my childhood or the home, that in this same instance it’s able to think of me? I feel it is why? I’m confused about the perimeters of psychic viewing. One time I had issues finding my medical appointment and saw what the receptionist looked like, so I know i could be unintentionally directing this when thinking of the house. When I visited my hometown last time simply thought about cleansing the house I got confronted my first night I realized I need to leave the house and it’s history alone but it’s also my history. My dads best friend Garrison someone I love tremendously rented the house and died in my bedroom 2 years after we left of “natural causes” at 40 years old, I want to grieve him also and feel what I do about the home without being side eyed. it’s giving very much conjuring house. Do I really have to cut out thinking of the place entirely like my parents say so I’m not viewing it spiritually? Is it just a matter of how I’ve felt when looking at pictures of it or thinking of the home? like once I realize I’m the big dog type situation it won’t happen? It slammed my bedroom door on movers, it thinks that home is one of its spots. For confirmation I don’t meet the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, I’m a pre-medical psychology major and go to therapy regularly where we also go through some of the anxieties associated with clairvoyance. I have done a banishment spell in the past, and have received the word “soul retrieval therapy” from my shaman like guide and plan to do that in the future as well as getting a routine of protection. Any advice from any sort of experience with something like this would be more than great. I appreciate any comment and thank you soo much for reading

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