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Forums Forums Psychic acid mental entanglement¿

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    so i did my fair share of psychedelics in high school and mostly with my close friend when he would stay the night at my place. it was always a fun experience we would do 5+ tabs sometimes and have some insane trips. but this one last time we tripped together he actually ended up coming out. which i totally think is dope i don’t have a problem with it in any way like you do you fam yaknow but the way it had happened was really weird. we were sitting in my room and i had just got up and walked to my door and i had just randomly thought to say “i’m not gay” out of nowhere to him and he had an odd reaction and he ended up coming to the conclusion that he is gay. but the wild part is, when we trip off of high doses we can literally read each other’s minds idk if you guys have heard of that before but i’ve seen some posts on it it’s a pretty crazy phenomenon. but anyways, ever since that trip i feel as if i was feeling what he was while he was sort of “going through his memories and emotions” while we were tripping after i said that if that makes any sense, and since then i’ve had this war in my head as well. i even considered i might be gay too at one point but i thoroughly tried to test this and no i’ve never felt attracted to any boy tv show characters and i always was wanting girlfriends i. elementary school even and just thinking about liking female features and emotions compared to male i was like there’s no way i’m gay ya know????????but to this day i still question it for some reason even though i’m sure that’s not the case. i never have said anything about this to anyone before just because i don’t want people to think i’m just making excuses for myself or something. i wouldn’t have any shame in it if i was i guess but i know for sure i’m not yet it still happens?? i feel like you can’t lie about your feelings on acid or shrooms and the fact that i just randomly said “i’m not gay” kinda lets me know as well. i just want to know if there’s anyone else on here that may have possibly experienced this because i feel like this is some crazy connection to the “net” of consciousness.

Reply to: Margaret
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