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Forums Forums Mediums Active spirit won’t leave me alone

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    So my mom was a psychic medium and growing up she would tell me about all of the spirits that lived in our house. We had one negative spirit who seemed to attach himself to me and followed me my entire childhood, to the point where I only felt safe sleeping with my mom until I was 18. When we moved out of the house I finally felt peace but my only experience with spirit up close was terror.

    My mom died when I was 21. When she left, my spirituality did, too, but I had a lot of the same gifts she did and I really tried to avoid them. I didn’t have her guidance, she told me how to do things safely and with protection so I didn’t want to do anything without her. Too scary.

    Lately I’ve leaned into it a little more. I held a Samhain ritual with an altar dedicated to my mother, in a closed circle, blessed and protected and saged and everything, I did everything right. I use tarot and Oracle and nothing seems out of the ordinary.

    Yesterday in my living room I was surrounded by this overwhelming smell, like hard boiled eggs. I looked around me and saw nothing but when I turned back around I felt this really heavy presence at the table with me. I panicked and moved to my bedroom. All night, I had things happening. My tv was turning on and off, a light at one point, and Alexa started talking around 2am ish. This spirit clearly wants to speak and is seeking attention but I can’t channel it. Now, I’m back in my living room with my dog next to me, and I see a tiny reflection move passed my stainless steel appliances. Just a small light. So did my dog. After this, my purse handle fell over the counter onto the chair I sensed the presence in yesterday, and my dogs hair went up on his back, started growling a little bit tail was wagging? I think he just didn’t know what to do.

    What do I do with this? Do I sage? Do I tell it to leave? What if it’s my mother? Why can’t I connect?

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