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Forums Forums Astrology Actor Chris Evans’ chart seems to attract a lot of divisive opinions, ranging from strong admiration to scarily negative. What’s your opinion? It’s quite an interesting chart to not have been discussed here. (Linked below)

  • Actor Chris Evans’ chart seems to attract a lot of divisive opinions, ranging from strong admiration to scarily negative. What’s your opinion? It’s quite an interesting chart to not have been discussed here. (Linked below)

     Arianna updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • colmalo10

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    I’ve always thought Chris Evans was so unnatural as the goody two shoes Captain America. He seemed a lot more comfortable in his role in knives out as the manipulating but likable bad guy.

  • making_plans_for_

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    If the birth time is correct, uranus sits right on the asc, so I can see how he could rub people the wrong way. Also heβ€˜s got a LOT of air and water and almost no fire or earth. Water+Air=Fog, people find him hard to read especially with moon in 12th in scorpio, lol

    I see the chart you posted is in whole sign, but since the asc is at 28th degree it makes more sense to me to use placidus in that case.

    Then he has sun Opposition Neptune which is tight at 1 degree, that adds to his charm/Fame/movie star qualities but also adds to the unclear perception that people might have about him. Chart ruler pluto is in Libra, closely trine his sun, makes him a super intense person, and as always with pluto influence it’s an all or nothing, destroy or be destroyed aspect that even in a trine puts some people in a love/hate position about him.

  • colmalo10

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    As a Scorpio Sun Gemini moon and Gemini Ascendant find this very interesting. He is basically the inverse of me.

  • AriessunTaurusmoon44

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    I love it personally!!!!

  • rockbottomqueen

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    Yeah, no. Good luck ever trying to read or truly get to know the real Chris Evans lol. I see double talk, emotional manipulation, jealousy, and self-righteousness. Boy, bye!

    (this is obviously a joke, and my assessment is based on stereotypical behaviors attributed to the signs.)

    …but still lol

  • AscendedWoman99

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    I like it. There’s a lot to unpack. I seem to have a thing for Scorpio risings. He has some very similar placements with being born 6months before me. But very similar to my bf who has a Scorpio Rising with his chart ruler Mars at 6Β° Gemini which I find interesting. I think this may give him the ‘fake’ personality that some people are describing. But in my experience of knowing that aspect. He can’t decide what he wants, which side to align with so in true Gemini fashion, wants both, acts both ways. He’s not fake just dual layered, wants his cake and to eat it.

    I’ve always liked his acting and seeing his chart makes sense to me why I should now. I think his most difficult placements with be his 12th house placements in Libra. I have those (except swap Jupiter for Mars) in my 8th that’s difficult enough. But for others to never see that side of you must be very frustrating at times. It’s going to be really hard for people to understand him, I guess that’s why the question in the post. We can’t see what he sees.

    Another thing is the seems to be a lot of discussion that he doesn’t seem like a first house moon. But I think Uranus right on his ascendant is going to mask this. It’s going to be really hard to see that moon because it’s beneath a rebellion.

    I still can’t see how people would find him negative, but maybe I’m biased!

  • Lux_Shelby

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    I’m just starting to learn Astrology (and using the classical rulers, etc) so I have a lot to learn but… How a person with the MC in a Virgo 11th house could be a bad person? Well we can’t jidge a person as evil or good, it all depends in how he manages to struggle with his difficult aspects…

    I just think that people simplifys a lot everything related to Scorpio and the 8 house. I have an scorpio ascendant too with Pluto in my 1st, the moon in the 8th Gemini, and a poor Mars in a 12th Libra house… If I have to believe internet descriptions of these.. or I a am a tiranicsl perdon because of my strong Pluto or a weak poor unfortunate soul for mu bad moons and mars and not, I cant relate witht those LOL.

    It is funny to see his chart because one of my chilhood dreams was to be an actress xD (and the only motif I don’t persuit this dream is because I couldn stand all the dark part of that life…) but I’m very good at roleplaying

  • howyoudoin7994

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    My true πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ˜›

  • [deleted]

    August 31, 2021 at 8:02 am

    Has anyone every heard of the north node in 8th house being referred to as β€˜being born to die’ because I want to know if it’s legit.

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