Hi. For quite some time now I’ve been wondering about how does a person from my past feel about me. So I decided to pull cards for that question about a week ago. I got The High Priestess. Because of the other cards I interpreted it as like there are some secrets rights now and that maybe I will soon find out what all of that is about. Also, I got the feeling like I shouldn’t know the answer to the question about his feelings towards me right now.
Few days passed by and I decided to do another reading about him. The question I had was if he will reach out to me. Again, I got The High Priestess. So because of the other cards, I got the same feeling again, like it’s the best not to know the outcome right now.
Something like this has never happened to me before. I just want to mention that when I do readings I can usually see the answers pretty clearly, but both times everything was kinda foggy and blurry. I don’t really know how to describe it.
Has something like this ever happend to anyone else? Has anyone else ever gotten that feeling like it’s best not to know the answer right now? How long should I wait before doing another reading about that person?
P.S. I didn’t want to write really a long text ot to go so much off topic about that person and our past because I don’t know if it’s necessary in order to better understand this situation. But if you think that some kind of explanation is necessary, I can do it in the comments.
Thank you so much for answering in advance!