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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing An adjustment to views on deity worship/work

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    Hi all!

    I have a to-long-didn’t-read at the end if you’re not feeling reading a long post

    I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this and felt the need to share as to hopefully help someone else.

    I grew up in a Christian household but no longer go to church because, you know, they are corrupt. However, I use to have a close relationship with Jesus and really loved feeling like I could call on him for some company whenever I felt alone or scared (side note: turns out it wasn’t actually Jesus but Mary Magelene and/or Lady Sophia I felt during that time, something they made clear to me when I learned they existed after leaving the formal church. Thankfully they understand the confusion)

    I’ve felt the pull to witchcraft for a few years now but only started pursuing it for about 8 months now, with the first 3 being purely research. I’m disabled so I subscribe heavily to the “lazy/lowkey witchcraft” as I don’t have a lot of energy to expend. This mainly involves protection magick, simmer pots, sigil magick, and passive small spells throughout the day.

    With this perspective, when Lugh (Celtic) and Lucifer (Roman) started showing signs saying they wanted to connect with me, I was nervous. I don’t have a lot to offer them and rarely do spells that require a lot of energy. Eventually, I did a meditation for each one to chat and I explained my concerns. Both of them were like “that’s fine, I’m more here if you need me and, based on what you’re currently going through in life, wanted to make my presence known to you.” With Lugh, I’ve been exploring my ancestory so I can learn/focus my practice on that culture’s genre of magick (I’m Scottish). With Lucifer, I am currently deep in trauma therapy and beginning shadow work.

    After communicating my limitations, I decided to dedicate a candle to each of them and add it to my altar. When I feel alone I light it and have a little chat. I also invite (not demand) them to make their presence known to me throughout my day, which some days they do and some days they don’t. I leave a communal goblet of water for them every morning and the occasional food offering.

    Here’s the main point of this post

    Since leaving the church and my faith, I felt so alone. Now on this new path, I’ve found higher beings who are actively wanting to be in my life. They respect my limits and are mainly just… around. I feel less lonely, I feel loved and accepted, and I feel at peace knowing they are around. They aren’t really connected to my actual practice, more they are a spiritual support team. They help guide me to take care of myself (for example, I tend to “lose things” that distract me from doing basic tasks like eating and showering. Once I take care of that, those things “randomly” turn back up).

    Many beginner witches are discouraged from deity work (for very good reason). I just wanted to share my experience to show there is a “middle ground” or “fist step” that can be taken. There isn’t harm in worshiping/setting up a space for a deity. You can simply communicate what you are ready for/comfortable with your relationship being at this time. If they don’t like it, then you can politely decline their assistance right now.


    As long as you openly communicate with deities, it’s possible they are happy just being a presence in your life. It can be comforting knowing they are around and shouldn’t be something you are afraid to do.

  • An adjustment to views on deity worship/work

    edamae_bean updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • edamae_bean

    June 14, 2021 at 1:35 am

    Just popping in to say thank you for this. I was raised in Christianity too and thought I felt the call of god (it was St. Michael, lol) for a very long time. Adjusting to believing in deities is so difficult and I feel alone a lot of the time. It’s a really difficult task unlearning damaging Christian dogma. I’m glad to hear it gets better. Thank you for sharing your story.

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