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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Animal guide help?

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    A few months ago I was trying to determine what sort of animal guide I might have using my tarot cards and a pendulum (along with other sorts of guides etc) but it wasn’t very formal and frankly I wasn’t certain afterwards. Essentially the reading pointed towards my animal guide being a coyote which felt natural to me. As a kid I grew up near where coyotes lived and often listened to them howl at night.

    However, like I said, it didn’t feel certain. A few weeks ago I saw some information online (I follow some witches on tiktok but of course I always take things with a grain of salt) that coyote spirits are closed and only for indigenous peoples. Now, I haven’t actually contacted my animal guide (i was nervous about it and frankly didn’t have space for rituals at the time) so it’s not a big deal with if I can’t work with a coyote spirit but it has made me a bit concerned. What if I manage to get in contact and it is a coyote spirit? Am I able to say no? Can I get a different one? I know it’s not like picking out curtains but I need to think about these things.

    I guess my question is: has anyone had to send away a spirit because they’re closed to you? If so, how did you proceed?

    Tl:Dr: I think my animal guide may be a coyote spirit (but unconfirmed) and I learned that coyote spirits are closed. What do I do if my animal guide is a coyote spirit?

  • Animal guide help?

  • kai-ote

    August 9, 2022 at 5:46 pm

    Native input here. Coyote will talk to anyone that wants wisdom. It is NOT a closed practice.

    Some tribes have an elaborate ritual to “pick/find” their spirit animal. Many don’t. You are born into it sometimes as well.

    Don’t ever lie to Him, or he will trick you in ways you never see coming. But the rest of the time, the overarching theme is He wants to awaken the Coyote spirit already within you. In one tradition, He made us and gave us His wisdom, and we should look within and without with that mindset, that you already have wisdom, so quit turning your back on it. BB.

    P.S. Singing, not howling. Start with that.

  • SaturnBaby21

    August 9, 2022 at 5:46 pm

    I’d suggest some reading! While I don’t have specific resources, I know that books on indigenous practice and animal guides exist written by indigenous peoples. Perhaps find a couple and read about those practices to get a better understanding of what you might have experienced.

    Also, really spend some time meditating and thinking about your animal guide. Does it really take the form of a coyote or maybe it changes over time as you get to know it more? Either way, only you can know what it will be. If it organically showed up to you, not like you just picked out of a list because you thought it would be neat, then it likely is truly yours.

    Remember too that you don’t have to share any part of your practice with anyone. If you do the work and decide that yes, this is your guide but you feel it might cause some turmoil, it is not something you have to share. Only YOU know what is real and true for you and your craft.

  • [deleted]

    August 9, 2022 at 5:46 pm


  • kalizoid313

    August 9, 2022 at 5:46 pm

    Where I come from, Coyote is the Creator Deity, according to the First Nations peoples who lived there with Him long before any Europeans showed up. Coyotes live there still, and anybody interested can visit the land where coyotes live. Even the very mountain Coyote first raised above the waters to make the Earth.

    Coyotes (representatives of Coyote) will offer lessons to anybody who cares to learn. Or who needs to be taught. One taught me about Coyote magic, when I imagined that I could show Coyote mine. Coyote played His tricks on me, and made me a far better practitioner. Once I got past the silly pride that made me think that I could manage Coyote.

    This learning from Coyote is not closed to humans. What human could close it, when Coyote does not? First Nations peoples might close their own arrangements and understandings made with Coyote to outsiders. But others, outsiders, can’t do this for First Nations peoples.

    One thing that I have learned about Coyote–he is the sort of guide who offers great but not good directions. Humans don’t really know how to follow his ways, but do get to a destination.

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