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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Annoyed by “Manifestation”

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    I’m annoyed by the people who try and turn sophisticated magical practices into “just have good vibes.”

    I hear this sometimes when I talk about renaissance astrological magic like fixed star talismans. I’ll explain the right way to do a spell and I’ll hear back “why go through all that when you can manifest money with a positive attitude.” If a good attitude did it, we wouldn’t have so many people in poverty. Nobody is manifesting themselves into slavery. Sometimes senseless things happen to people. Magic helps to call in divine intervention, since it isn’t everywhere.

    It just seems like so many people drank the “think and grow rich” coolaid. They are so immersed in the propaganda of capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy that they can’t see that their practice is commodified into uselessness. Magic takes knowledge and practice; good vibes are often just a way to be complicit in our own exploitation.

    There, I’m done ranting

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