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Forums Forums Astrology Any stories surrounding a difficult aspect of your chart you have managed to make peace with?

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  • Any stories surrounding a difficult aspect of your chart you have managed to make peace with?

    SadMolasses8 updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 18 Replies
  • Nolan_Walker

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    My brother has a Sun opposition Neptune. He used to be delusional and gullible af. He gradually learnt to not trust people easily and looks to improve himself now. But there’s also that his mercury was in Virgo which helped him greatly. He was advised to use that to his advantage.

    I would say if you have a challenging placement(s), you should first look how well-aspected/well-placed it is or other placements are. Then, the placement which has the highest possibility of being overcome i.e the most well-aspected should be your priority. Use domiciles and exaltations to help challenging aspects/placements. It might help you to take care of other such problems in the chart as well of which you were clueless before.

  • Thetrippyastrologer

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Yep. My moon conjunct Saturn. Worst fucking placement. Naturally expressing my emotions just isn’t a thing. Staying in situations just to try to make it work — toxic. This can be a great placement in the work force but terrible if you’re at a job you hate because it just ends up draining you of your energy. I made peace with it because I can use it to my advantage as the consistency of Saturn can help discipline my work ethic and also the restriction of Saturn can help balance my Aries moon. Still its a difficult placement to live with. And if anyone is wondering this placement does speak to the dynamic of my parents. My mother is incredibly submissive and passive and my father is a very restrictive and controlling parent. Fun times.

  • jayemadd

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    I have a strong Sun conj. Pluto (2°) in Scorpio, and basically I’ve just accepted that I’m an intense person and nothing will ever be gray. It used to be much harder to put on a poker face and control my reactions, but after years of working in the service industry and with the public, I’ve become quite skilled at masking how I’m truly feeling (and then ranting/exploding later).

    I’ve learned to embrace the icky parts of life that no one likes to face of even talk about, because the things we avoid tend to find us. Because of this openness, others tend to come to me when they are going through dark times in their life–which is honorable–and therefore I’ve made peace with such a heavy aspect.

  • croisciento

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Venus in the 8th house. Romantic relationships are always difficult for me. They help me showing the truth about myself and it’s easy.

    I can’t have the old good fairytale romance as I was hoping for, instead I found extreme anger, sadness, frustration and despair. But I also found redemption, healing and true love both for myself and my partner.

    The relationship I have with my GF was really difficult for a long time because everytime my ego (the fake character who I believe I am) is stronger than the voice of my soul/heart it quickly shows as creating turmoil in our relationship. Some people have egos which can live with one another, it’s not really the case with us. My ego is slowly burning and while it created tremendous suffering for a long time, it slowly gave me the ability to tune with who I really am and discover what love really is.

    Venus in the 8th destroys everything that is fake about Venus. Being the planet of love, harmony, peace but also beauty you simply can’t fall in love only for another person’s outer look, you can’t compromise by being fake and saying you’re okay simply because you want to avoid conflict and having to go through difficult emotions. Venus goes throught the 8th house and I learned that true harmony only happens when I made peace with the fact that conflicts are inevitable. I’m an Aries Sun and while I could say outloud what I’m thinking, I couldn’t really face head on more difficult topics, I was suddenly mute or was struggling communicating clearly what I was feeling/thinking. I learned to shut the fuck up and learned that harmony and peace come through getting to know what are the deepest needs of the person in front of me instead of trying to bulldoze into them my beliefs about life and love. On the contrary I learned to speak up and to stop being a people pleaser especially with my GF.

    To add to this difficult placement I also have Venus square Neptune. A lot of fog around my romantic relationships, a lot of fears. I’m still working on it but this placements is helping me to trust my gut when it comes to love instead of trying to find answers outside of myself, in the fog.

    Difficult placements are difficult as long as you make them difficult. What helped me get over these things is to realize that true growth only exists when things ain’t easy. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward. You just have to trust that the Universe is helping your soul grow. If it was always easy you wouldn’t grow, because you’d stay in your comfort zone. It’s great to have difficult placements because you will be more grateful when things are indeed working in your favor. And when you work your ass off to improve yourself and you succeed at it despites all of the failures and mistakes, you build true self esteem and appreciation for yourself and life in general.

  • gem1n106

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Mine isn’t an aspect, but a placement. I have a scorpio moon, and as you all know, it is very difficult. But I have recently begun to go to therapy and have been working on opening up about my emotions instead of pushing them down until they bubble up all at once. It is actually working and I no longer feel like a stereotypical scorpio moon. Definitely still water moon, but I’m much more open now.

  • jteejay

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Sun square pluto ,Moon square pluto, Saturn opposition pluto, Saturn in the 12th house. Still learning to embrace accept and understand these energies. I believe it’s a lifelong process.

    Emotions need to be felt. And rather than push them deep inside, for them to be felt, I speak to myself. I talk it out. Parenting an inner child who wasn’t nurtured. I’m My own parent now. Learning to trust the right people. Learning to trust and love myself. Being my own best friend. Accepting that people can and might hurt you, but these are also lessons needed in order to learn, process, heal and let it be. Also being okay with changes and transitions without feeling the need to self bloody destruct in order to accommodate said changes. Going with the flow.

    As for my Saturn in the 12th; LOL. I dunno what that placement wants from me. Nothing makes sense? but okay universe. Show me 🤣

  • HereForDramaLlama

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    My difficult placement is Taurus Mars square Rx Aquarius Saturn. It takes a lot to get things moving. I’m still learning to make peace with it by telling myself that when I gets things moving they will last. If anyone has suggestions I’m all for it!

  • Nrico930

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    I have Venus Square Neptune AND Venus Square Uranus

    I just pretty much accept I am not the “conventional/stereotypical/ societal norm female that needs the man and needs to get married and needs a guy to be happy on top of a degree and etc (my early 20s i did struggle a lot with this- I had SO many friends and loved having friends and going here and there- but then they got in relationships and thats the only thing that mattered and all they care about now is weddings and babies and well… I don’t). Instead I came to terms that hey I love to travel and love academia/ and knowledge and research and thats my passion. And kinda also accepting EVERYONE is gonna let you down at one point so lol don’t put anyone on a pedestal really. (Before those rose colored glasses kicked in and w/ astrology I kinda learned that about myself)

    Eventually I met someone too- and he has the same aspects so I guess we get each other- We basically have a 50 50 balance of alone time and time together and both separately do our own thing but we ha at the same time an amazing trust

  • plumtastic

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Venus square Saturn, it really does get better with time.

    I’m responsible with money,
    I’m ageing well appearance wise because of good habits, and
    I’m in a satisfying commited relationship.

    It’s more than ‘making peace with’, this aspect and many other hard aspects I have are a true blessing now. I’m in my 30s for reference.

  • thebowarcher

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Mercury square Uranus. Haven’t made progress with it but god I can’t remember anything!

  • Miss_Anne_

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Venus square mars, saturn, node & MC plus in 1st house (with mercury & sun). Childhood was filled with crippling self doubt regarding my appearance (weight & acne issues & dressing sense & what not). To the point I was afraid to even step out of the house.

    Had never even spoken to a guy or the popular people until I was 18 forget relationships.

    Thankfully my looks did quite a turnaround & I’m more confident in my interactions now. It was a blessing since I got into a relationship the time I had my other shit in order. Never regretted my decisions like a lot of teenagers do after they grow.

    Now all the similar squares with my mercury plus my mars opposite saturn are aspects I’ve still not been able to come to terms with. Maybe my saturn return in the 3rd house will get things moving there :p

  • Madbernkelsey

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Sun sq. Pluto. I realized that I can never escape the darker side of life or the “underworld” as much as my identity may want to. I will always feel that tug to the darkness, which in my case means being more aware of the darkness/evil than I’d like and especially dark spirits

    Ascendant conjunct Saturn wasn’t easy either. I am still working on this one, but like someone else said, childhood was filled with crippling self-doubt. I was also psychologically tormented and physically abused so I didn’t enjoy my childhood at all. My confidence was shattered. But I made it out alive and managed to start developing stronger boundaries so I’m still working on it. But that one has been a real pain in the ass, especially since my Saturn is in Aries and touches almost everything in my chart.

  • FaithfullPapaya

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Saturn conjunct my Sun in Pisces. Really fucked up my childhood and teenage years.

    Whenever I tried to build my confidence up as a kid or a teen, authority figures (not my parents, thank God) broke me down even more. I had very low self-esteem, was afraid of speaking up and just embracing who I was. I got into difficult relationships because of this placement. I just wanted to be accepted by someone, anyone. Saturn is a cold planet to have conjunct a luminary. It makes you feel lonely and isolated.

    Thankfully I pushed through and I’m so proud of who I am now. I’m not afraid anymore. I think Saturn taught me resilience and taught me to only rely on myself and that is the best tool I have now. I’m grateful for all the tough love.

  • pixiefix666

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    not yet… my sun, moon, mercury, venus, Mars, Neptune, and Uranus are all in capricorn… it sucks…

  • VolpeFemmina

    May 16, 2021 at 9:00 am

    Aries Mars in my 3rd squares Merc, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.. and Neptune, Saturn and Uranus are all opposed to Mercury.

    My perception of everything is different and slightly askew, and I’m a lot more sensitive to certain things while totally oblivious to others. You know that scene from The Sword in the Stone (the Disney animated version) when Merlin and young Arthur are marching through the woods and the wolf is trying to attack them but they are oblivious to the close danger the entire time while the wolf gets the absolute shit beat out of him the entire way just by happenstance of their behavior and the environment? I am constantly in the Merlin/Arthur position. Focused on some complex, important task and going about my journey while utterly ignorant to immediate dangers lying in wait. I feel like you could point out a trap to me and I will trip it before I even realize what I am doing because I wanted to see what will happen, unless I am very careful.

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