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Forums Forums Mediums Any tips for a new medium? Just starting out!

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    Hi everyone! I recently started learning how to use my gifts as a medium and was hoping I’d find some answers here.

    A little back story: I have always seen/heard/felt spirits but I could never control it. I never even knew there was a way to learn mediumship! It wasn’t until my dad died in 2016 (I had a dream of him passing before he actually passed) that I decided to see a medium more for healing purposes. It was then that I learned my dad and grandmother wanted me to start learning how to use my gift to help others.

    I started taking mediumship courses back in September 2020 so I am still fairly new. I know this type of work requires a lot of practice in order to get better, but I’m interested in hearing about others experiences in becoming a medium.

    How long did it take before you felt comfortable charging for readings? How did you practice? Is there maybe a Subreddit where I can practice readings on others?

    While we can practice during my mediumship class, I feel I need more practice outside of that so that’s why I’m here.

    This is a huge transition in my life as I will be quitting my desk job and I know there will be a lot of judgmental people along the way, which is why I’m a little nervous. I really just want to help others and deliver messages from the other side so I know I’m doing this for a good reason.

    Any tips for a new medium would be greatly appreciated! I’m so happy to have found a safe place with like minded people.

  • Any tips for a new medium? Just starting out!

    catsmamma updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • catsmamma

    January 31, 2021 at 1:12 am

    Congratulations! I hope you the best! I’m some steps back from that but it felt so good to read you.

    I didn’t know there were mediumship classes except for a course I saw in “surviving death” on Netflix. Good to know!

    The only advise I can give you is see the charge as an exchange of your knowledge, maybe a message you give has more than a money value, maybe you give some people the peace they have looked for since they love ones passed. So, it’s purely simbolic, don’t ever feel bad for charging.

    I leave the rest for people with more knowledge and experience to give you the answers you need.
    Good luck on your journey!

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