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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Anybody wanna talk tarot?

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    What are your favorite decks? Do you have more than one or do you stick with old faithful? Do you have any book recommendations? Do you read for others or just yourself? Do you have any superstitions? Do you think “novelty” decks are silly?

    I am a complete noob, as in, I’ve had a deck for at least a year, but only did my first (personal) reading tonight. I’m intrigued by the process, but rather daunted at the same time; I’ve found a bunch of other decks that I would like to have, as well as a half a dozen or so books, and I can already see where the collecting of such things could become a habit. I like the deck I have, but I would like to find one that *speaks* to me, if that makes any sense at all.

  • Anybody wanna talk tarot?

  • awitchalone

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    I love talking tarot! I have seven decks that I rotate through for my personal readings plus three decks that I use for reading other people’s cards. 😂 so if you need a nudge to buy the deck you aren’t sure about, here I am! I am defo a collector haha. I pull a card for myself everyday and I’ve been doing so since early 2020!
    My favourite deck is hard to choose, I love them all for different reasons.
    As far as book recs go, I have the tarot companion by Liz Dean and I love it. When I was beginning it was my best friend haha. Small enough to take with you too!

    I think novelty decks are super fun! And I have my fair share of superstitions haha but nothing too wild.

    Take it slow! Don’t feel like you have to memorize all the cards and start doing huge spreads everyday, your practice can be as simple or as extravagant as you want it to be. That goes for deck selection too, having one trusty deck is just as valuable as having several. If you come across a deck that calls to you, go for it! I had that moment last year when I discovered The Tarot of the Witches by Fergus Hall, didn’t buy it right away, and that deck followed me into my dreams 😂

  • queen_a_cups

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    Hiii, I have two decks I alternate between. My main deck is Modern Witch by Lisa Sterle and my back up is the Light Seers tarot deck by Chris Anne. I love the colors in the first one and the imagery in the second. I read for others occasionally, but I try to read for myself often at least once a week. I have made my own oracle deck but I’ll probably purchase one soon. What’s your favorite thing about tarot so far?

  • ChikoritaLeaf

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    I definitely know what you mean about a deck speaking to you. I started with a classic Rider-Waite deck, but didn’t really bond with it.

    For my main deck, I use the Star Spinner deck. It has a lot of colorful imagery from folklore and mythology. It comes with four different Lover’s cards which you can choose from to best reflect your relationship and/or orientation. I absolutely love this deck.

    My wife likes using a cat deck. If a novelty deck speaks to you, it speaks to you.

    Regarding books: I’m currently reading *Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom* by Rachel Pollack. It’s definitely broadened my horizons.

    I primarily read for myself and my wife, but I also read for family and friends.

    It’s really weird, but a witchy friend, my wife, and I have all noticed our decks have different ‘personalities’ and quirks. This influences which deck we use for what reading. My wife’s deck doesn’t like spiritual questions, and our friend’s deck doesn’t like relationship questions. I usually read for both of them in those cases, or I loan the older Rider deck. For some reason, we’ve all separately come to the conclusion that my Star Spinner deck doesn’t like anyone other than me using it…

    I’ve only been doing Tarot for about a year, but, I do a reading every morning as part of my morning routine. I still have much to learn!

  • Init4damo-nay81

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    I have quite the collection. One of my favorite decks is the Tarot of the water from the 78 Tarot collections. What an amazing collaboration of world artists, their decks are a works of art. I have a lot of oracle decks and I am partial to the ones produced by Jasmine Becket Griffith. I rotate between 2 decks usually. One is called The Venetian Tarot and the other is the Guilded Tarot.

    Honestly I would go broke if I let myself buy all the ones that attracted me but something about that Venetian Tarot deck just speaks to me.

  • Matilda_Respite

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    I recently bought the ‘classic’ Rider-Waite deck as we sell lots of tarot cards at work (bookstore), but I really don’t have a clue what to do with them. The booklet explains what the cards mean, but… what do I actually DO, haha.

    Someone on Etsy has a deck based on the tarot cards in Persona 3-5, and they’re also calling to me…

  • Agitated-Pea2605

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    I haven’t read in ages. Need to change that. I never bonded with the Rider Waite deck, or the Celtic Dragon Tarot. At some point I attended a workshop held by the local Unitarian Universalist church and we used the Robin Wood deck and *adore* it. I don’t know if it was the instruction given along with the deck, the deck itself or both but it all just vibed.

  • BrumeRaven

    July 17, 2022 at 5:51 am

    I started being interested in tarot in my teens and made the mistake to get the Aleister Crowley deck because I thought it was cool. But I couldn’t memorize the cards. Then in my 20ies I tried again and bought a beautiful Gustav Klimt inspired deck, but had the same issue. Now in my 30ies, just a few days ago I got the tarot vintage and finally feel like this might go somewhere. I guess I should’ve just started with a simple rws deck from the start instead of wanting to be fancy lol

    I really love the tarot vintage. The cards are so beautiful.

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