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Forums Forums Psychic Anyone else notice that Divine love is actually Divine neutrality?

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    I will meditate and ground deep into the earth. I expected a beautiful earth song of love as was explained in Matt Auryn’s Psychic Witch, but all I experienced was neutrality.

    The earth doesn’t care whether I live or die. There is no malice, or happiness. Just existence and peaceful acceptance with it. While there’s no hostility or much of anything, there is no love. No care. It just is.

    It’s okay with me there taking whatever I may need. It’s okay with me not. It wouldn’t care if someone broke into my house and did horrible things to me right then and there during meditation. It just is and is neutral to life and death, peace and suffering.

    I experience love and this isn’t it. I am compassionate and I don’t see it here. Am I alone in this? I find it extremely depressing that within divinity, there is no love. Just detachment- albeit, not at all in a sociopathic sense. It is not a cold detachment.

    I’ve also worked with arch angels. If I meditate with them, it’s very similar, though they are there to protect. But, they do not care about a lot, either. Their energy is very neutral.

    I suppose I had expectations, but I do hear a lot about love and how beautiful it all is. I really don’t see the love that is talked about. It’s really sad.

    I have experienced love from an entity to lift me up and that was beautiful, but she doesn’t want to be a big part of my life.

    I experienced what felt like love from an entity that took advantage of me, just so it can feed. So, there’s that.

    The bigger stuff doesn’t seem to care. There is nothing but acceptance of all that is.

  • Anyone else notice that Divine love is actually Divine neutrality?

     Mel_AndCholy updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • sfbo

    January 8, 2023 at 4:24 am

    I’ll take as truth the fact that divinity/source only wants to experience, and it does it through us. If we accept this, then there is no good or bad, just experiences, and they are all equal in value. A family taking care of their child with love and tenderness is just as good as someone raping and beheading prisoners of war. The only constant is change, the only sin is refusing to take part in the cosmic play.

    Divinity doesn’t love us. There is no need. We’re tools that it uses to satisfy the need to experience. You don’t really love the phone you’re using, you’re loving the experience it brings you. The only love you’ll get is from other humans. We’re the only ones who love ourselves.

  • SinVerguenza04

    January 8, 2023 at 4:24 am

    Yeah, I’ve always just felt a sense of being/oneness when I ground. I personally like that feeling just as much as I like the feeling of love.

  • quixile

    January 8, 2023 at 4:24 am

    As the cultivator of your experience, it is up to you to be the beacon of love for all sentient beings including yourself. The unmanifest is your soil, but your intentions water it.

  • HopeSubstantial477

    January 8, 2023 at 4:24 am

    I’m glad you posted this because I have similar thoughts. It’s something I’ve been wrestling with since I had my spiritual awakening 3 years ago after I left Christianity. I’ve personally never fully believed in the whole “the universe and nature are pure love” and the “love and light” type of spirituality. It all seemed too good to be true and borderline religious, which is something I wanted to steer clear of. I came to the same conclusion that everything just “is”, and I’ve had that affirmed by other spiritually oriented friends.

    I think, in order to believe that the universe is all good, we’d have to believe on some level that rape and murder are good, and are part of the “lessons” we must learn, and for me, that doesn’t sit right. It reminds me of the old Christian sayings “everything happens for a reason” and “god is testing you”. Just doesn’t make sense or feel right to me. I think some people *want* to believe that the universe is pure love, and of course there is pure love in the universe…but still. It’s not all there is. There is chaos, order, good, bad, darkness, etc in nature. And all of it just *is*. I’d rather experience the love of other people and animals than forever chase the high of believing that the universe is made up of pure love, you know?

  • StarChild31

    January 8, 2023 at 4:24 am

    Maybe they simply can’t experience love? Care isn’t the same as love either. Maybe it doesn’t matter because it’s meant to be like this? Maybe there’s another better place where we’ll end up and that’s why it’s neutral?

    Reminds me of the black hooded god in to your eternity. He doesn’t seem to care much either but he’s there and is helpful sometimes? I guess? Lol

    These beings aren’t human, so their feelings shouldn’t be expected to be human-like.

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