I’m definitely a skeptic when it comes to this stuff but I still try to stay open to the idea. I see a lot of people on here say she’s a fraud based off of her tv show appearances. I happen to think the readings she’s done on these shows were actually quite remarkable, that is of course, if the people on the set weren’t in on the whole thing, and you obviously never know with tv. What I find pretty sketchy is that the readings on these tv shows are the only readings I can find that she’s done. I can’t find a single person online who has talked about a reading they’ve had with her, which seems odd to me. I’ve heard her on podcasts and her readings of the hosts are always pretty generic, which leads me to believe her tv show readings are only so spot on because the entire show is faked. I was wondering if anyone has had a personal experience with Laura Lynne Jackson’s mediumship ability? If so, how did she do on your reading?