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Forums Forums Psychic Anyone terrified of their precognizance sometimes?? Can we really know large events in our lives?

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    I’ll try to make a very long story short. I met my TF a few years back and it sparked my Kundalini awakening. I was married and I loved my husband but at the time he was getting too comfortable in our marriage taking me for granite and not putting in the same effort I was. I was always looking for growth and he was stagnant at the time. So upon meeting my TF I was obsessed with this shocking energy and connection I could feel. I chalked it up to that lack in our marriage why I felt so strongly connected and obsessed with this new person. I was always reserved nothing would ever happen with my TF I love my husband too much and he’s my soulmate. I already had a move planned to a different state upon meeting my TF so I had hoped moving would break that obsession. Upon moving my soul was devastated. It’s like I was mourning this relationship I never had. Like I was leaving a piece of myself. Shortly after the move though I felt peace. My inner knowing told myself that I would get a chance with my TF in the future. It told me we would meet again when we both were ready. I was concerned though when it was told because I would be widowed. I asked a psychic about the longevity of my marriage and he didn’t give me any warnings confirmed a few years out. So I shrugged it off. Now a few years later I’ve been working on my spirituality more by delving into pendulum work to connect more with my guides because they communicate with me in my dreams often. My obsession with my TF has been on and off and there’s periods where I’m at peace and random periods where its like I feel them thinking about me and then I feel obsessed all over again. Lately the obsession is back so I started asking questions to my pendulum. Out of nowhere I had very specific questions about the year we’ll reconnect, the age, my husbands death, our future sons age when he passes and the year my TF and I will be married. It was terrifying because I’ve never thought about these specific questions and the answers were shocking, terrifying but amazing because I could feel the energy I was channeling from my guides and it all resonated with my inner knowing if that makes any sense? I guess I’m curious if anyone can relate and any spiritually inclined can confirm any of this? Thank you for reading my anxious novel! I’ve had prophetic dreams before and moments of anxious free clear knowing but this seems like too large of a thing to know and maybe my imagination is running wild?

  • Anyone terrified of their precognizance sometimes?? Can we really know large events in our lives?

     Hereforlaughs16 updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • [deleted]

    December 6, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    You can Know, yes. You can also create by transmitting frequencies through thought. Discernment is important because if you can not tell the difference between Knowing and generative thought based in fear, then you are blocked from Knowing.

    What do you imagine this TF will do for you that your husband does not?

  • PDXdeej

    December 6, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    Yup, not terrified by it though. I am certain I’ll know big things in advance, I knew the pandemic was coming. There’s no sense in panicking..

  • venomhbk

    December 6, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    With me everything I see is when I sleep once in a great while I will see stuff when I’m not sleeping and it scares me to death last week I was weed eating at a cemetery and I saw the Spirit of a World war I soldier but it was a common presence but there were other spirits around trying to talk to me in my head started splitting and I literally had to go sit down and take a break but then everything went away I’m an empath and I’m also a healer so I feel everyone’s pain this is my blessing and my curse

  • CocoChando

    December 6, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    I am exactly like you!! Dreams, communication with my guides, and I also met my TF. He is my husband’s cousin. I love my husband and would never leave home, and I also feel to be somme kind of soul mate. Even though I love my husband, I was obsessed with his cousin. I could not get him out of my head. I thought I was going crazy. Then my guides told me he was my TF, and it was confirmed by 3 psychics. I really wanted to be sure. My TF got married in the meantime. He is very fond of me and considers me like family. He doesn’t realize our TF connection, because he is not there yet, or ready spiritually.

    Twin Flames have been occurring more and more because our souls are now ready to handle such intense energy. TF are relationships that help accelerate our soul ascending. A relationship with a TF can be too hard to handle. Both incarnations must be at a high level of understanding and consciousness for this type of relationship to work. You may be with your twin flame in another lifetime as well.

    I personally have grown from this very exhausting situation. I used to be very strict about loyalty and love. I was overly possessive and jealous. This newfound love has made me more lenient and understanding that we can appreciate and love other people than our spouse. Without cheating of course.

    I think you will

  • ABeautifulWoman

    December 6, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    (Not super relevant to main energy of the post, but was that [an intentional reference to this, ]( a typo?)

  • plowbabe

    December 6, 2021 at 4:34 pm

    First thing you should do is ask to be updated to the now….Then ask your pendulum if twin flames really exist.

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