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Forums Forums Mediums Apparently in my papas side of my family the gift of mediumship is passed down from generation to generation.

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    I don’t know about my moms side of the family but I do hear some mediumship in that side too but ever since my dad had the dream of my dead relatives he’s come out to his family about it and apparently my grandma (papas mom) she has also said the at she has visions and sees spirit too from time to time and even one of her daughters has seen them from time to time.

    I never knew this because my dad never has talked about his gift to others. Not until a week ago. So pretty much now I’m starting to accept the fact that what I experienced it’s actually true and not just me being me. ( p.s I don’t have mental health issues besides anxiety and depression I have been tested lol)

    But besides the point it’s actually it relieving to hear I’m not the only one in my family to have this ✨ gift ✨

    I think I can start moving forward and get into more practice with this gift.

    I have so many questions on what my dad experiences in his daily life with talking to and hearing the other side but I need to slowly ask him because I know he’s also barely getting used to saying what he experiences himself.

    But overall I’m glad and I wanna learn more about the gift we in our family have and embrace it more and hopefully one day help those who need it.

Reply to: lemonnnngrabbb
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