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Forums Forums Astrology Aquarius Mars: How does it play out?

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    This is a natal placement I have a harder time wrapping my brain around. Aquarian Mars natives, from your own experience, how does this placement express itself?

  • Aquarius Mars: How does it play out?

     VineStellar updated 1 year, 2 months ago 2 Members · 19 Replies
  • Shawa422

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Lol as an Aquarius Mars, I’m still figuring this out.

  • gIitterchaos

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Aquarius Mars and Aquarius Venus here. Sometimes I feel it and sometimes I don’t. I love freely and warmly, I’m not often so dettached or aloof but sometimes I am, I very rarely get angry or feel true anger. I react with thought for every complexity and deal with situations calmly. I definitely want to learn and never stop learning, it fuels me.

    Pisces sun, Sag asc. and Libra moon, so my other placements are social and warm and not like dettached Aquarian energy. I confuse myself sometimes with how I feel about things it’s a bit all over the place

  • karikafulbevalo

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    As others have also said, as an Aqua Mars I am a pretty peaceful and tolerant person, but I observed that a lot of my frustrations and anger are aimed towards societal injustices, intolerance, small mindedness etc., Things that are angering on a societal level, rather than being angry towards individuals.

    You would have to really push my buttons to make me lash out. If I find someone a very unpleasant company I mostly just avoid or ghost them.

    I love group sports, where you work as a team. Except to yoga, which is mostly a lone sport but you can also choose to do it with a group.

    I feel like aquarian mars drive is more like a steadily burning coal under the ashes, rather than bouts of passion. You can almost not notice what makes us tick, but our efforts will show in the long run, whatever you choose to commit to.

    I tend to find curiosity and intellect and banter pretty hot, and I almost always prefer to intellectually connect to someone rather than seeking out physical connections, like casual hookups or romantic relationships.

    These are what comes to mind right now.

  • RipOptimal3756

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    I get angry pretty easily but I’m over it 2 seconds later if that makes sense? I’m not one to talk about my feelings and have a hard time expressing them. I’m an Aqua sun, Cap moon, Aqua mars and mercury. I’m dismissive, detached, aloof the whole nine yards. 😬

  • rutilated04

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    I am very responsible but I tend to find my own way of getting things done. I don’t read instructions in general, I just try to figure things out on my own.

    I have never been one to follow the crowd or trends – ironic since Aquarius rules groups/friends/associations. I’m totally fine going my own way. In some ways I always felt different from my peers – did not enjoy the same things that they do.

    I am very passionate about right vs wrong, I have strong ethics and morals and integrity. I can’t betray myself or compromise my core values. My mentality is very much about what is good for everyone vs just me, I’m not a selfish or petty person at all. I truly want what is fair for everyone.

  • chococat159

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    It’s very hard to make me angry, I tend to approach conflict in one of these three ways: rationally and calmly, I hate authority and I hate your authority over me and I’m going to make sure you know that, or just chaos. As a kid, I didn’t understand punishment, I took it as something I needed to get revenge on and I would, and my parents learned that they had to stop punishing me for things I did wrong for this reason and used positive rewards on me instead.

  • 0_deez_nuts_0

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Ig the same as other responses in the I don’t get angry that often aspect but I can’t just talk everything out so when someone pisses me off I go out of my way to get back at people

  • ColorMaelstrom

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Aquarius Mars here. I have no fucking clue lol

  • Impossibbru_guava

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Isn’t that the whole theme of Aquarius mars-to keep figuring it out because you’re not able to wrap your mind around it since it’s the most developed yet overthinking logical sign. Just slower overthinking compared to gemini, and Libras are quite balanced

  • siren5474

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    i don’t personally have an aquarius mars, but my gemini mars is a big fan! i’ll take a crack at it based on what i’ve seen:

    aquarius is humble, sociable, and sits with an idea for a while to do things. mars is how you take action, make a move, get things done, put in the work. so aquarius mars gets things done by hearing out a way to do it, and sticking to that plan. they have this way of directing the conversation of how to accomplish our goal by offering their opinion (which is generally pretty solid and well researched/thought out already), but the key here is that they are open to communication and will listen to suggestions to make it better. working with aquarius mars, that’s what i love so much about them: the plan is open source, and i can ask questions and make comments to understand it better (yay gemini aquarius synergy!). contrast with leo mars, that will simply say “my way is the best way to do this rn”.

    love y’all, lemme know how that sounds!


    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Random bouts of extremism. An unrelenting obsession with being able to master just about everything. And a very peculiar interest with the occult as it pertains sexually. Not kink. More like unorthodox and sketchy.

  • po_ta_toesies

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    When you find out, would you lmk? Aquarius mars Venus and north node. 🤣☠️

  • Outside_Ad7965

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Pisces Sun
    Gemini Moon
    Aries Rising

    With Aquarius Mars and yes I find that I love learning,
    I get angry quickly but cool really quickly once logic sets in. I like doing good for the greater good of people
    I can be detached and in my own world when I’m thinking of solutions to make this world and mundane processes better.

    I’m eccentric and love to socialise when I’m on a high in energy but also enjoy my peace and solitude from the world around me to reconnect and gather my energy.

  • Decent-Document-4921

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Sorry for the short response, all i can say is it is a hell of a time to deal with

  • coraltree7817

    February 25, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    I’m slow to anger overall since I approach it from a more abstract angle, and can get over things pretty quickly. I can see opposing sides of things.

    I get riled up about injustice or inequality more than anything. That is the one thing I don’t think the other “side” is valid. That’s what spurs me to take action and donate money or my time. But I can also detach myself from all of the injustice in the world so I don’t get overwhelmed.

    In relationships, I’m very into mental stimulation. Talking about fantasies, etc. I like thinking about situations I don’t actually ever want to do physically. I also like a sense of independence and would not do well with someone trying to control me. But all my Scorpio placements make me very monogamous and not into unconventional arrangements like I heard Aqua mars can be into.

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