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Forums Forums Astrology Are grand trines really as special as they are described on astrology sites?

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  • Are grand trines really as special as they are described on astrology sites?

    BohemianSunset updated 3 years ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • SomeArcher77

    May 6, 2021 at 7:15 am

    Nothing is ever *special* just because of a chart, there are always enough people are born the same minute as you are.

    Idk, I think the idea of aspects/placements being “special” or “unique” is a bit strange and is used to comfort people’s egos, and that mentality isolates you from all the people that breathe the same air as you and walk in the same earth, people that have the same planets as you even in different positions.

  • clpolk

    May 6, 2021 at 7:15 am

    the thing about grand trines–real ones, where the total orb of the entire aspect pattern is less than 6 degrees–presents an interesting dynamic in the chart.

    Trines show where the native has a talent or a knack. what they pick up on without trying very hard. the planets involved matter, the elemental triplicity matters, the house placements matter. they show what comes naturally to you. if you have a grand trine then you have three planets that show a talent array that naturally feeds into and supports itself harmoniously.

    But. Trines are kind of lazy. you’re already good at this thing–so you can easily take it for granted. without the activating force of a square to frustrate and challenge the native, the trine doesn’t have much opportunity to be more than a parlor trick.

    I’ve seen a chart where the native had two separate grand trines that were both under the 6 degree orb allowance for the entire aspect pattern. a kind, charming, thoughtful person–but when things became challenging, they’d drop whatever they were doing and drift on to something else.

    Trines are talent, but you need a hard aspect activating it.

  • BohemianSunset

    May 6, 2021 at 7:15 am

    Yes but better if there is a kite.
    Grand trines can be lazy if there is no opposition to trigger the energies.

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