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Forums Forums Mediums Are there stages of communication?

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    Tonight I was able to channel my Aunt and talk to her. At first it felt like I had to manually think of what I was saying to her and had to comprehend what she was saying. After a while I felt like the conversation became fast, like too fast for me to think or comprehend what was happening but the conversation just flowed. Is there a way for me to channel a conversation like that again (the simplicity of it.) Does communication normally happen like this with experience? I’m literally like a month into this.

    Also tonight (and as an example,) my neighbor discussed with me about her brother’s passing and I was picking up on things while she was talking to me. When I go home, I was able to meditate and channel him to ask if he wanted to tell her anything else. It was hard channeling someone I didnt know and it took a while for me to get him. The connection was extremely hard to keep and I was unsure if I was hearing him correctly. But again the conversation was so manual feeling. I want to be able to communicate and have it run somewhat smoothly. How can I achieve this more?

  • Are there stages of communication?

     Momof4withplants updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • gifts-are-chaos

    November 16, 2022 at 2:11 am

    I can relate to this experience. I would say just keep practicing and it will get easier. You could also do magic about it, crystals are cool they work.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 16, 2022 at 2:11 am

    Practice makes perfect, or at least makes grooves deeper. How’s your shielding?

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