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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Attraction oil recipe for love, friendship and prosperity

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    This oil is designed to help attract wonderful things into your life such as new romance, job opportunities, friendships etcetera. It can be used to anoint candles, Magick bags and spiritual equipment.

    To create this recipe you will need to gather the following ingredients- 1 stick of cinnamon, 10 whole cloves, two freshly fed lodestones, olive oil, jojoba oil or Vitamin E oil, cinnamon oil, Patchouli oil, ginger oil and clove oil. Mix together 1/3 cup of Olive oil and 10 drops of jojoba oil or Vitamin E oil in a saucepan and heat on the stove top at the low setting. Cleanse the inside and outside of your glass carrier bottle with incense smoke. Place the cinnamon stick, cloves, lodestones and 10 drops of each of the four essential oils into the bottle. Add the heated mixture of olive oil and jojoba oil/ Vitamin E oil into the bottle and screw on the lid.

    Gently shake the bottle several times and place it aside until it cools down. At this point you will need to take the bottle into your hands and visualize Hearts, gold coins, dollar bills etcetera being drawn into the bottle as if its contents were magnetic. If you’re trying to use the recipe to attract the attention of a particular person you can visualize that individual being pulled into the bottles’ contents as well. Place the bottle on your altar, make sure it’s out of direct sunlight. Every day for the next two weeks shake the bottle once or twice and repeat the visualization exercise for at least 2 to 3 minutes. After two weeks of this process your attraction oil will be ready for use, enjoy! -Zwahk [Arcane Delight net ](

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