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Forums Forums Mediums Aura Reading Bonanza!

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    I’ve just returned from a deep meditation and seance retreat in the woods and am ready to start my readings again! Thank you to all those to reached out to ask me questions while I was gone.

    I will read your aura color from a recent picture and then allow your guides to flow through me. You may converse with them while I fall into a trance, they love you very much and are willing to talk to you in most cases.

    1) $10, ask any 5 questions: this is for those who want a fast reading with important points and general information

    2) 50 cents/min: this is for those who want a longer, detailed conversation about specific advice from guides, or deep discussions with them to help sort out a particular situation in your life. It comes with the option of a 30 minute heart-to-heart meditation session where I will transmit healing vibrations to your solar plexus from your guides, acting only as the conduit. You may feel a cold or warm pressure on your solar plexus, and feel very light afterward.

    I have been told I’m very accurate and have many clients on this subreddit who will vouch for me 🙂

    Blessings to all ❤️

  • Aura Reading Bonanza!

    Cerebralwank updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • Cerebralwank

    February 10, 2021 at 5:44 pm


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