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Forums Forums Tarot Bad shuffle or meant to be?

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    Every day I do a daily draw of 9 cards (3 for morning, 3 for afternoon, 3 for evening). I felt I shuffled well, but strewn amongst the 9 cards were 4 cards I got yesterday, only in the opposite orientation that I got yesterday (if they were upside down, they were right side up, and vice versa). None of these cards were in the same “time period” as they were yesterday (one card was in the evening yesterday, it was in the morning today, another was in the afternoon yesterday and was in the evening today, etc.) Should I consider this a bad shuffle, or that I was really meant to get 4 of the same cards in the opposite orientation I had them yesterday in different “areas of the day?” It was less than half the total cards, more were “new”. I usually do a combination of a mash shuffles and a swirl/swish on the table surface to mix them, but weirdly by chance having got nearly half of the same cards only in the opposite orientation made me question the shuffle. How many of the same cards would you allow before considering the shuffle to be “bad” and prompt you to do it over?

  • Bad shuffle or meant to be?

     Maverick updated 2 years, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • blazingcole

    August 6, 2021 at 8:14 am

    If that happened to me, I’d look it over, see if there’s any helpful messages I can glean, and likely just say “hm that was a fluke ok redo.” I know some other people might disagree but hey, for something as temporary as a daily draw, I would reshuffle. And draw from different places in the deck

Reply to: Maverick
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