JessicaParticipantHi everyone! I am an absolute beginner with tarot cards and am looking for a deck. I am purchasing the Rider Waite deck to start as it has been recommended for complete beginners. However, I am really interested in either the Wild Unknown Tarot or the Wild Unknown Animal Deck. I have seen the Animal Deck before as an individual at the yoga studio I used to work at used it daily. However i know these two may not be the best for beginners? Moreso the Wild Unknown Tarot as I heard it strays from the Rider Waite? I have also heard some individuals tell me to go to which deck I am drawn to… I am unsure. Opinions? Thank you!!
Beginner Tarot Deck- Choosing one that is too difficult?
GuestFebruary 7, 2021 at 12:41 pmWild Unknown is a very beautiful deck to be sure but a few things about this deck:
1. It is not a beginner deck no matter how many people have said it is.
2. Even though it follows the Rider-Waite-Smith system, it has Pip cards for the Minor Arcana closer to the Marseille Tarot, so trying to gain meaning from the imagines will not come as easily as it would with a standard R-W-S.
3. The author of the Guidebook, which is the artist as well, though she has the keywords very close to the textbook meaning of the cards she sometimes goes with her own meaning of the cards, so if you are just learning it may be confusing to start with this deck especially if you ever try to use other decks. Reading with intuition is always better than with always going with textbook meanings, but it is better to have the textbook R-W-S meanings down as a foundation to work off of.
4. She also switches Justice and Strength which can be confusing when trying to read with other decks if you start with this deck.It is a beautiful deck, but even though I have always gotten very accurate readings with it, I have never connected with the deck. I have heard the same from others as well, but hey, maybe it will be different for you.
Also I great beginner deck that is an updated more inclusive deck is the Modern Witch Tarot. The images are very close to the R-W-S but are updated and inclusive. The little guidebook that goes with the deck is short and sweet and to the point but also allows you to come to your own conclusions on the cards meanings for your specific reading.
GuestFebruary 7, 2021 at 12:41 pmIf you’re reading just for yourself, the point is to have the images and interpretations of the cards shake something loose from your mind, not to conform to the ISO 7800 Tarot Standard. I’d strongly recommend going with the deck that you find more exciting and intriguing, because that’s going to help inspire you and leave you more enthusiastic about doing readings.
If you’re expecting to read for other people, that’s the point where you may want to consider what the traditions of tarot evoke for them and what will facilitate good readings; the Rider-Waite deck has the images people expect to see, and other decks – such as the Modern Witch deck someone else recommended – that hew more closely to that might serve you better.
Personally, Wild Unknown is one of the decks I own, and I like it a great deal. The art has very strongly emphasized images without a wide variety of objects in each card, which makes their messages feel more definite, and that really suits me sometimes. There’s a downside to this, though, which is that each card offers a more limited range of symbols to search through for relevance. It’s therefore not a great deck for everybody and every situation, though it suits my own disposition well.
Good luck, and don’t neglect the option of buying more than one deck as time and money permit. 🙂
GuestFebruary 7, 2021 at 12:41 pmMy first deck was the Wild Unknown and I haven’t had too many issues. It does stray in the naming of some of the cards, but I personally find the changes works for me. In terms of meanings, I’ve used the guidebook and other sources to read which I would recommend. Good luck! Hope this helps!