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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Best for cleansing a new house?

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    Hi friends!

    I’m new here so I apologize if this has been asked many times, but I’m moving into a new house and was wondering what the best cleanser would be? I’ve used Sage in the past, but after learning more about Native American ritual/practices, I would like to refrain using it out of respect for them.

    My goal is to get rid of the bad energy and promote happy, positive energy.

    Please let me know! Thank you kindly!!

  • Best for cleansing a new house?

  • PutridWafer8760

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    I use cedar and rosemary for cleansing, or bells/chimes if I know that someone with scent sensitivity might be coming around.

  • aggrocrow

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    For me, the first step is to sweep out the house from the top down and out to the end of the driveway (or wherever the ground’s surface allows – just away from the house). I usually whisper a little blessing or cleansing charm over and over with the rhythm of the sweeping too. Lavender and mint would be good to burn for happiness and well-being; rosemary is a good all-purpose cleanser and also represents the power of the feminine in the home.

  • Famous_Original_2922

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    I like to burn Lavender for a smoke cleansing.

  • Owned_by_Bengals

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    I am very new and inexperienced, but I am guessing that you could use salt water or holy water also instead of sage.

  • Smores-n-coffee

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    For ongoing purposes, charged lunar water can be mixed with your household cleaners that need water.

  • AllAbortionsareMoral

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    Clean and make it yours.

    Consider making sure to nourish the wood surfaces, and vacuum (can toss a cotton ball in the vacuum with essential oil), or spread symbolic herbs/ alchemical powders (speaking as a fan of mortar and pestle magic) and then vacuum it up.

    Consider using water / scents that make you happy, moon, sun, river water – what your special blend is. Magic can be added in the rinse water, or as incense, or an oil burner as well.

    Lemon for instance symbolizes purification, happiness, refreshment, and rejuvenation.

    Lavender can be crushed, burned, or just placed around the house – now is the season to pick / dry it as well, if you are in the northern hemisphere and in an area it grows. It is said to symbolize cleansing.

    Clove can be used in cooking, or crushing, or burning – it smells awesome. Clove is used for releasing negativity, and gaining focus.

    Cedar items have a wonderful scent, it can be burned or kept around to release its resins. It is another that is used to get rid of negativity.

    Vanilla, either cooking with it, using it as an essential oil or a tiny bit in the cleaning water can smell wonderful and also is used for protection and safety.

    Those are a super quick list, but honestly, the best ones are going to be tailored to what you love and enjoy.

    Citrus tends to be acidic and the fruits tend to be brightly colored, so they tend to represent happiness, cleansing and starting. Spices tend to be basey, darkly colored, and deep smelling, so they tend to be anthropomorphized as masculine, symbolizing protection, releasing negativity, and grounding. Floral mid scents tend to represent the feminine, luxury, night, love, and attraction of positive energy.

    Using a bell to ring, or pots and pans to bang together to clear the space. Your magic, your choice, the best magic will be what you create for you. Smoke can be cleansing, and so can just making a pie and filling the house with wonderful smells. Breaking bread with friends and having a house warming.

    Congratulations on your new home, and enjoy! I would love to know what you end up doing and how it works out! Congrats again!

  • Alaskan_Tsar

    August 9, 2022 at 12:12 am

    Go outside, get a branch with green leave son it, and beat the vibes out of the house.

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