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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Birds follow me everywhere

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    Background info

    hey, I’m a young psychic and a practicing witch. Since I was young I’ve been dabbling in witchcraft, spiritually; even getting my level one in Reiki.
    My family is also pretty spiritual, from my mom side there has been a lot of intuitive women before me including my mom, and my dad side was more paranormal; aliens, ghosts, the whole delio.

    I think it’s also necessary for me to tell you guys I am in air sign, both moon and sun(Gemini&libra). I also have realized during my practice that I am most connected to things like wind, the sky, and the clouds.

    Actually problem

    For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been having birds (most commonly robins although there are some crows) come up to me and just stare at me. Like not in the weird usual way that you would see them on the side of the street, they would stand on the ground or whatever literally a metre in front of me and just stare at me. It’s so odd. Like it feels comforting but it’s just strange that I haven’t been told what’s up yet. Usually I’ll get a little heads up by some spirit, my tarot cards, or even just my intuition.
    I’m still not the best at using my psychic abilities so I’m not able to feel any of the animals energies completely, I just know it’s out of the ordinary. It’s like they stare into my soul. Now those incidents are mostly robins but a couple of times crows visit me as well. In the past I’ve doubled in deity work but have gone nowhere really with it so I’m quite suspicious it may be some thing along those lines. And I mean, on top of that I live in a place where you don’t see crows too often. For crows, they were just kind of stand there ominously but not in an uncomfortable way. All experiences aren’t bad, they’re just strange.
    If you want to hear more of my strange experiences for more background info, they’re all on this profile. You’re welcome to check!

    I just need help to point me in the right direction. I tried to research but I don’t even know what to look up.

    birds keep staring into my soul and don’t necessarily seem scared or me like most humans.

Reply to: riverishboi
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